Part 3

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He thinks I am Ha. Saar actually mistakes me for Ha again. The first time Saar kissed me, I did not even know his name. Now he actually lives with us. He is my sister Ha's boyfriend. Or I do not know. Their relationship confuses me. Ha is my twin. Worse, she is older than me by fourteen minutes. Fourteen minutes us a pretty big time difference in case of twins. We are totally identical. People still mistake us being the other. But I always feel I am less than her.

I start to walk towards the hallway. I do not want to face him. I am sure if I turn around, he will know instantly that I am not Ha and we will both get in trouble. It was the worst idea to braid my hair today. I never braid my hair. But for once I wanted to do something that Ha does. Look where it gets me. Saar is still behind me. I am sure he is tired and will go to his room. But I also know it is highly unlikely that he will leave before kissing her. I continue to tiptoe forward.

I have no idea who Dabney is. But I have to say something. I put my braid back from my shoulder and nod at him without saying a word. My voice is exactly like Ha's but I do not want to risk it. I start to walk again when he calls me. I stand but do not look back. I promise to never braid my hair again. I can hear his footsteps come towards me and then he stops. He keeps talking about this Dabney guy. I think it is his colleague. But I cannot be sure.

This will end so badly. But my twin is not at home and she will not be at home until tomorrow. She requested me to cover up for her. Now Saar thinks I am her. I am in so much trouble. Maybe I should have turned around in the first place and told him I am Maame. Also that he is not at all attentive. If he asks about my hair, I will tell him I just felt like doing my hair like this today. When he finds out I am Maame...... God I cannot think about it.

He walks to the refrigerator and opens the door. I take the chance to escape and disappear down the hallway. Ha and my room are just next to each other so it is no problem to slip in my room unannounced. The first thing I do is to take off my braid. Then I totally mess up my hair just in case I see Saar again and he has doubts about it. That was a narrow escape. I will never cover up for Ha again. I text her and tell her that everything is fine.

Outside MaameOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz