Chapter 10: Devil Union

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3rd person P.O.V. :

"So what's the 'devil union' you are saying about?" Asta asks in curiosity. "Devil union is the devil host draws the full power of the devil, the host can control the power of devil too. The host need to make a contract and have gone under devil binding ritual" Nacht answers him "You need to draw out all the power of his anti-magic" then Nacht sneakily put the tail in his shadow to where Asta is standing at. Suddenly the shadow hands appears underneath Asta and Liebe, the hands starts to wrap them up like a cocoon and suffocate them at the same time. Asta went into his black form and quickly summoned demon slayer to free himself from Nacht's spell. He notices Liebe who was beside him is gone. "Eh? Where's Liebe?" He asks and he heard Liebe's voice just right beside him "I'm here. Over here! Look at your right shoulder!" Liebe says then Asta looks down at his right shoulder. He sees Liebe in his chibi mode.

"How did you became small?!" Asta looks at Liebe in surprised. "I don't know, probably is because you are using my power so thats why I shrank" Liebe shrugs "So how are we going to do the devil union?" Asta asks, sometimes he is still the same old Asta, even though he wants to destroy clover kingdom. "You have to figure out by yourself" Nacht cut them off from their conversation. "Devil union let's me add the characteristics of each of my devils to my shadow magic. For example, one of Gimodelo's characteristics is 'pack' " Nacht finish saying, his shadow starts to split and a huge amount of shadow dog head figures came out of his shadow.

The clones wear a cape, a collar with a broken chain around the neck, a pair of horn on the forehead, the ears are pointy and they are on top of the head. The clones run towards Asta

"Eh?" Asta couldn't process what is happening at first until a clone went behind him and tried to attack him. Luckily he blocked the attack and slashes the clone in half which makes the clone disintegrates.

There are more clones surrounding him, they attack him non stop which makes a hard time for him to deal with them. He tries to use ki but the clones has the same ki as Nacht, that makes him struggle even more.

Half an hour later, Asta and Liebe is lying down panting. They are covered with scars, scratches and bruises while Nacht doesn't have a single scratch on his body because Asta couldn't land a single attack on Nacht.

"Here's some biscuits from a certain place, it can heal your wounds." Nacht put a basket that is filled with different types of biscuits. Asta and Liebe both took one from the basket, they took a bite and their wounds starts healing. Asta stand up after finished his biscuits.

"You don't need to rush, I have something to do in spade kingdom now. So I'll fight with you every day after spying the spade kingdom in a certain time. You can train and do your stuff when I am not here" Nacht informed Asta as he sunk into the shadow, leaving Asta and Liebe alone.

"Uh... what shall we do now?" An awkward silence fills the whole room until Liebe suggests to figure out how to goes into devil union. They started by copying each others movements, obviously it doesn't work. They sat down and think again which will take them days or even months to do and masters devil union.

I owe you a bunch of cookies and sorry for a short chapter

Written by Hannah aka onigiriyume


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2021 ⏰

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