《CH》scrapped asean x eu oneshot

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I'm so sorry in advance.
I just need to practice writing stuff outside of ASEAN's perspective with him still in it and I haven't actually written romance in a while, sorry for the sudden shipping lmao


The European organization would find himself leaning towards the glass window, staring at the cars being parked outside and the random people going through his sight. His reflection can be slightly seen from the transparent window-he looked like a mess in his opinion. His hair was not gelled and his unique halo feels so ridiculously off at the moment.

As a bunch of people passed by his asle, he began to think, out of anyone, why did ASEAN choose him to meet up in a place such as this cafe? Sure, they haven't really communicated off of work as much anymore, but it's just that offer all of the sudden came out of nowhere. He really can't turn it down, he wanted to know about him as well and he does have some time to spare anyway.

The door's bell chimed, the EU turned at the door to see his so-called friend.

The blue complexity made the person stand out, his hair was tied to a ponytail at the bottom, his golden-red wings seemed to be shining from the sun, his eyes twinkled in excitement, how ASEAN appeared to him today makes him want to... he doesn't know the exact words, yet that feeling was positively affecting him.

"Hi Euro!" The Asian called, smiling at him as happily as possible.

"Uh- Hi Sea! Take a seat," he said in his slightly monotoned seat, stuttering without even noticing.

As the other took his seat across from him, EU went ahead and zoned out through the window once again, thoughts that had been fluttering in his head for a while. ASEAN... they have been actual workmates for almost his entire lifespan, heck he was technically the first person who accepted his offer to partner with him. It's just something, whatever the fuck has been dragging him to a point where he just wanted to know him better. His thoughts cut off with the other talking.

"How's everything right now? You seemed to be zoning out."

"It's been fine, c- could be better though," he replied, now finding his eyes giving contact towards the table.

"Yeah I noticed, did you- uhm, did you have an argument at work or some sort?" The other asked, concerned.

"Kind of? I was not really a part of it that much," he shrugged, then finally maintaining eye contact. "Germany and Poland both fought out of nowhere today, I had to be the one backing both off." He wasn't lying, he did experience a fight amongst his members earlier, but that isn't the full reason as to why he was being bothered at the moment.

"I mean, it does happen day-to-day, I'm sure it will be fine," ASEAN stated, then giving another smile. "I haven't really brought you here for nothing!"

What the fuck.
Why does he look so... cute?

He can feel his face slightly heating up once that smile entered his vision. He never felt like this before, this was his first time! He didn't know this feeling, but it was positively strong for him to resist.

He shook the thoughts out. "Well, thanks, uh- I guess..."

"It's nothing really, I just want you to feel positive for once... the last time I've seen you smile feels like a decade ago already- Jesus Christ," the friend exaggerated, fixing up his glasses he was wearing.

EU sighed, "Well, if you want then, you can do whatever to make me smile or whatever- Just surprise me."

"I'm not giving you funny videos or jokes just to make you smile, I'm a terrible comedian and you know that," he chuckled.

"You don't really need to make any jokes or shit like that ASEAN, you being with me today makes me happy," the organization smiled.

ASEAN paused for a little, a tint of light blue arose around his cheeks and his wings were actually moved so that it's near the floor. Observing the other's actions, the EU just couldn't help but smile more.

The Asian spoke, "That's the nicest thing that- anyone has said about me lately."

"If that made your day, you're welcome," he said.

"It really, it really did!" ASEAN exaggerated. "Most comments I get lately are just about criticism and I just...- it's hard to reply to them in my perspective."

EU laughed for a moment, "I can give you tips later, but I guess it's time to do whatever the hell we're supposed to do right now."

"Oh right, right! Do you have a paper?"


"This cafe has the 'you write your order on a paper' system so-"

"Oh yeah! Give me a moment."

[welcome to time skips! i don't know I'm just lazy to explain every single shit so time skip when they finally fucking ordered]

"Oh! Why do you have your wings out right now? Did you fly your way here?"

"Hm? Uhh, I kind of feel like it today... I don't fly though, I hate the accidents that come out of it."

"Oh right, you're more of a swimming person, aren't ya?"

"Guess you can say that. If I was an elemental person, I might most likely be water anyway."

"I'd probably be fire if that's the case."

"It does make sense for you to have fire."



scrapped stuff lolHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin