"We thought you have a thing with Jimin?"

The blonde managed to not lose her cool this time, "What thing?"

"That you two like each other? That kind of thing."

"We don't have anything, Heejin."

"But Yizhuo said—" Before the brunette could finish what she's saying, the door busts open and their professor comes in.

Just Minjeong's luck.


A few days passed by and it's time for Minjeong to finally meet the raven-haired once again. Since the finals is approaching in a few weeks, they decided to meet once a week only to review on their respective courses. Today is thursday, both their free day and scheduled tutor session.

The blonde sits at the far corner of a run down coffee shop near their university. It has the cozy feeling she grew familiar of and the coffees are too good to ignore for its cheap price. She orders herself a latte to keep herself company while waiting. It's getting a little crowded, more students are coming in to study and review with one another and Minjeong could only thank herself for arriving earlier than the rest.

A few minutes later, the bell by the door chimes, signaling another person coming. She turns to look at the entrance and she spots a certain brunette. Minjeong suddenly became nervous. For every step that Jimin took closer to her made her heartbeat faster. By the time Jimin was in front of her with the usual annoying smirk, Minjeong could feel her heart bursting out from her chest.

"Take a seat already." The blonde orders, trying to suppress her nervousness with the usual stern look on her face.

Jimin gives her a light laugh before taking the vacant seat across her. "Not in a good mood again I see."

"When I'm with you, I'll never be in a good mood." Minejong deadpans, earning another laugh from the older.

"I already know that's a lie. You like my company."

"Jimin." The blonde calls out.


"Stop saying stupid things." The change of tone in the blonde's voice alarmed Jimin a little.

"Huh? What do you mean?" the raven-haired questions, slightly baffled.

"I heard you're dating Yeji, I think it's inappropriate to hit up on other women, don't you think so?"

The words left Jimin frozen on her seat.

"W-what? How did you find out about that?" she chokes out.

"It's going around the campus."

"It's not like that Minjeong—" Jimin tries to explain, clearly panicking.

"It doesn't matter." The blonde cuts her off. "Just stop treating us the same way, I respect your decision anyway."

"No, no, Minjeong. I don't like—"



There was silence. The blonde took a deep breath before speaking, "I understand. You don't need to tell me the reason why, I'll understand." Minjeong smiles, hiding the bitterness in her words. Jimin looked at her with hollow eyes, and it pained the blonde.

Seeing how Jimin won't protest anymore, the blonde diverts the conversation. "Let's study. Finals is coming."


It's one week before the finals, the library is packed with students cramming for last minute reviews. It was too crowded that most students decided to just borrow the necessary books and review inside their dorms or even in cafes.

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