Chapter 25: The Retainer Steps up

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Rame was too much in shock with what was happening to react in time. Marie was about to grab her, but thanks to the intervention of one important person. Her powers weren't going to get sapped.

With a loud bang, Akitomo came charging in. He kicked down the table, interrupting their foes from taking action. Then he stood between them and her.

"My, my." Marie wasn't the least bit flustered by his arrival. "So you've finally decided to show your face."

"I can't allow you to do this." He said, his arms outreached to cover the two girls and Juuto. "Who would've guessed that you were in with the league of assassins."

"League of... Assassins?" Juuto was barely able to speak the words as he attempted to get back on his feet. They were an organization seeking to gain power in the world of Enatis. Generally, it was done through the chaos caused by their assassinations of powerful figures. Kings, queens, or major ranking generals. They weren't above kidnapping the children of rich and powerful people in an attempt to extort funds for their operations.

"You're a hero, shouldn't that mean something?" Akitomo attempted to reason with his former comrade.

"It's just a classification, and I've been working for them for a long time now... Even while we were allies." She responded. "Now, if you're done chatting, perhaps we should have that duel you always used to want between us."

"..." He grit his teeth in frustration. His arrogant side would've accepted this challenge without any hesitation. However, he was without any of his elemental magic, reduced to just a mere human of this world. Worse yet, even if he did still have his powers. The boy wasn't certain that he'd come out on top of this battle.

"What's wrong?" She mocked him. "Has living here made you soft? Why haven't you used on of your spells on me yet?"

"I'll handle this." Mifuru got in front of him, readying a stance against her opponent. "You should take Juuto to safety."

"I can't believe that the two of you are so cowardly that you'll have the servant fight me." Marie had no fear against the one she was facing. "No matter, once I'm finished with her, then I'll get my prize."

"Are you sure about this?" Rame asked her loyal aide.

"Neither of you are in a state to be fighting." It was obvious that Rame had discharged the rest of her power in sealing Akitomo's. Without a way to charge it back up, she'd be helpless against this woman. Meanwhile, Mifuru had an ace up her sleeve.

"I can't believe a mutt's going to be saving our butts." Akitomo said as he and Rame hoisted up the helpless Juuto.

"How can she... Fight?" The man asked as he was being dragged away.

"Mifuru's a half-breed." Rame answered.

A half-breed. Specifically one who was half of a human from Enatis and the other half being a demon. Mifuru was the result of an unholy union between the two. This was all proven as the girl showed off her powers on Earth for the first time. One of her eyes glowed red, similar to how Rame's were back at the restaurant. Yet at the same time, her hands didn't use the same dark magic. Instead, the small spark of flames emitted from her fingertips.

Unfortunately, just like with the limitations on Asaga's water abilties. She was only able to use a mere fraction of her true power.

While that fight was heating up, the trio had reached some semblance of safety for Juuto. That was when he commanded them to place him down propped up on a wall.

"What's wrong, are you hurt?" She asked him, but that wasn't the problem here.

"We can't run away." He told them, barely able to move his arms.

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