Chapter 16: The Haunted House Takes a Turn for the Worst

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"They've been in there a while." Asaga and Mifuru were stuck waiting for their turn. "Do ya think they're all right?" He asked her.

"We'll find out once we're done with our own turn." She replied. As much as it pained her to wait and not know what would become of Rame. She took solace in the fact that everything in there was fake. Juuto did an over-the-top job of hammering that into their heads. So once they reunite at the end of this, things should be fine.

"Speaking of turns." Kunitoki checked his watch. "The two of you should be heading on in there." As much as Asaga didn't want to do that, he put on a brave face and walked in with the girl.

Inside, the first room they entered was a dark gloomy experience. Webs covered the whole area, and their only light was of the few candles that were placed on a dresser-like table. Already, he could feel the chills run up his spine as the room was somehow colder than the outdoors. A nice effect achieved with simple a/c.

"Are there... G-g-ghosts here?" Asaga asked Mifuru, as he slightly stood behind her in fear. They weren't friends, which was why he also didn't care about using her as a shield. He considered it payback for what she had a hand in leading to back on Enatis.

"According to some books I've read." She replied. "Ghosts are just part of their folklore. But to assume that they truly exist seems a bit immature." The girl didn't fall for the trick that were set here, as she began to lead them through the narrow and dimly lit hallways. There were multiple paths, but she chose the one that ran straight down the middle.

A shame that their powers were so weak here. With how dark it was, she would've normally used her ability to see in the darkness to aid the two of them. Though she'd probably get scolded by Juuto for failing to understand the point of a display like this.

As they walked, their first scare occurred. It was of a woman, standing just in front of them with her hair to hide her mysterious face. They both stopped, but Asaga was the one that was still shaking as they stood before her.

"What d-do you... You reckon we... We should do?" He shakily asked her, afraid that this girl standing before them would pounce them.

"She's just an employee I assume." Mifuru responded with no change at all to her tone despite their situation. "Let's just walked through her." He wasn't for that plan at all. But if he didn't follow his companion, then he'd be trapped in here all by himself. Steeling his resolve, the two of them approached her, and moved aside to get past their obstacle.

Nearly hyperventilating, Asaga made the mistake of taking a glance at the girl whose face was hidden by her hair. Prompted by his actions, she screamed out at him, revealing what was hidden before. The makeup for her face showed a grotesque melted face, as if she had fallen in a barrel of acid, scaring her.

"Ahh!" In fear, he ran to get away from the girl. As a result, he also ended up toppling over the girl that was in front of him.

"Calm down." She commanded him, as the two of them laid on the ground. Thanks to her, he stopped his yelling to turn around and see that it really was fake. The person playing the ghost took a moment to look at them. Mostly to take in the hilarious and cute position they were laying in, then she turned back to face down the hallway as was her job. "Like I said, it's fake. Now could you please get off of me?"

"I-I know that." He put up from her. "It's just an act that's all." He lied to try and save face.

"Not a bad idea if you wanted to get real close to her." The ghost girl broke character. To her, she just assumed that they were a couple, since they went in together. "It's kind of cute to make her feel a little strong."

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