Chapter 3

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Medication sucks.

the moment i walked into my front door my parents were all over the idea of getting high with my presciption. When i tried to refuse them my mother slapped me hard enough to cause my dry lips to split open and draw blood. I could taste the copper flavor before the first trickle of red substaince crawled downmy chin. My parents relished in the fact they had caused me more pain.

I had to watch them that night as they took the medicine Doctor Lynn had prescibed me. When i finally went to sleep that night i was surrounded by the creepy things i had convinced myself were all in my head. And it was the best sleep i had ever had.

It was not much of a surprise when my parents woke me up three days later demanding i go back to see Doctor Lynn for stronger medication. And i didn;t flinch when my father punched my cheek for refusing. They took turns that time. My mother had an awful kick that always seemed to catch me as I was down right in the gut. I could practically feel my skin bruising as the blows became more erratic. I begged silently that they just end it there. I prayed that my life be cut short save I had to endure more torture. However, the fists and kicking continued on.


By the time they had exhausted themselves into a stupor I was coughing up blood all over the wooden floors of the dinning room. I can't recall how long I had been there before an ambulance arrived to take me away.

Internal bleed. Fractured ribs. 27 a countable bruises and cuts along my body. I had a fat lip and swollen eye. And my parents wrote it off as gang related. I could only listen while they lied to the doctors, nurses and every other staff member they came across. It disgusted me. When we were alone they would discuss which pills the doctors were going to give me, and how high each would make them.

The only relief I got was when visiting hours ended and neither wanted to stay the night with me. I was nearly asleep when the door to my room opened. A sliver of light shone in waking me up fully. I sat the bed up and looked over to see who it was.

Two green eyes sparkled in the doorway. From what I could see it was him. He didn't look too happy to see me wrapped up with. An IV sticking out of my arm. I watched him step into the room and lock the door behind him. My heart speed up, loudly being vocalized by a beeping sound. A blush crossed my cheeks when he stopped at my bedside.

"They have no right to do this to you..." his voice was pure honey to my ears. I could not help the small smile that formed on my face. When he saw this his eyes softened. I still could not see the rest of his face, even in the dark, for the scarf he wore covered all but his eyes. He had a hood up that covered his hair and forehead.

Still he was beautiful to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2016 ⏰

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