Pt. 3

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Peter: So what now *you look over to him and smile, he looks confused then you take off and jump onto the bed. Peter bursts out laughing* definitely not what I was thinking *he jumps on the bed after you and you both start a pillow fight, after a bit you and Peter are on the bed laughing*

Y/n: I guess we should get ready for bed

Peter: but I want to cuddle

Y/n: we can cuddle and go over the files *you both get ready for bed then grab the files and cuddle on the bed* so what does yours say

Peter: just some stuff about Terma and customs, what about you yours looks pretty big

Y/n: I know but I think it's just how to act proper and what to wear and stuff *you both start reading and Peter falls asleep before you and you stay up pretty late. After making your way through the file you put it down and turn off the lights. And you accidentally wake Peter*

Peter: *in a tired voice* you ok babe

Y/n: ya I'm fine just go back to sleep *he wraps his arms around you and you both fall asleep That night you get a strange dream, your on the bridge before Asgard and all you hear is "welcome home" then your woken up by a knock at your door*

Loki: rise and shine I will be back in 30 minutes so get ready for the greetings

Peter: welp this definitely isn't a vacation

Y/n: *you chuckle* nope *you both get out of bed and head to the closet and find a lot of different clothes* wow

Peter: how are we supposed to choose

Y/n: well it was in the file, and I think Loki said this was the greeting stuff so I guess trial and error *you both go through the closet and get ready. Eventually Peter finds something and Loki comes in*

Loki: you both ready

Peter: yep

Y/n: *from the bathroom* coming

SpiderWomen (Book 2)(Peterparkerxreader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя