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She couldn't seem to tear her eyes away from him and all his glory as he stood there, all masculine and hard. She knew she had to leave, make a run for it, but she couldn't move. The sight of him was doing crazy things to her body. He moved closer, slowly and seductively, till she was backed against the wall, with nowhere to escape, she didn't want to. His damp body just inches from hers. She couldn't breathe properly, the air was filled with floral scent like fresh cut flowers which was weird because it smelt womanly but made it even more exciting and sensuous. She was terrified of what he might do to her, the big, bad playboy.

He smiled, enjoying the effects of his presence on her, he needed to stop, he had to, but couldn't. He drove her crazy and she did same to him, unknowingly. How can a woman so innocent and pure drive an experienced play boy wild, without even meaning to?

"You know it's rape if you take advantage of me" she said in a low, shaky voice. He was now so close that she could feel his breath on her face. She froze and was rooted to the spot when he bent over to nibble her ears, her body going wild with new excitement that she didn't understand. She felt his body slightly pressing against hers and she could feel him, all of him. She let out a tiny moan which made him stop abruptly. For a moment it felt like fireworks were going off in his body, she was starting to have an effect on him but he'd be damned if he let her see how much of a hold she has on him. He pulled back and stared into her eyes, they were such beautiful eyes. He bent over again and whispered into her ears

"You're not my type anyways"

Annie's walk from King's room to hers was probably the longest walk of her life. She tried figuring out what the hell had just happened. The group project was never going to work out now, not with what just happened, which was why she was in his room in the first place. Different thoughts ran through her mind

"What did he mean by me not being his type?"

"I don't care that I'm not his type, I don't even want to be his type" She really couldn't understand why those words had so much effect on her.

She took her keys from her bag and stuck it in the keyhole, opening the door to her room. She threw herself on her bed and replayed the events that had happened in her head. She just wanted to forget everything that had happened. She decided to take a cold shower and sleep; she would worry about the project another time.

She took off the chiffon top she wore and slowly slipped out of her high waist denim jeans, throwing the clothes carelessly on her bed. She was now semi naked with just her black lacy bra and black panties on. She stood in front of the standing mirror, making an assessment of her body. She slowly unhooks her bra which was doing little to nothing to cover up her full bare chest. She was about to take off her panties when she heard a knock on the door.

That's weird. Her roommate doesn't usually come back from wherever the hell she goes to unless the hour was ungodly.

She quickly grabbed her bathrobe while the knocking continued. She couldn't think of whom it could be, all her classmates would be off somewhere discussing their projects or in class.

She unlocks the door and was still trying to knot the robe when the door opened. She was shocked at who it was.

It was King!

She must have felt her heart skip a beat as she just stood there, looking at this awfully handsome young man. She quickly knotted the robe. He just stood there with a smile on his face, enjoying the view.

"What do you want?" she asked her voice sharp and filled with venom. She didn't understand why she felt a bit tingly when she saw him. She was supposed to be mad at this boy for what he did earlier but for some reason she felt a bit excited seeing him standing at her doorstep in his black jean and black round neck shirt that outlined his rocky body. The shirt looked good on him but he'd look better without it. She knew that for a fact.

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