Chapter 12

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Ranboos pov:

TW: Swearing, blood, Kissing, Angst, abuse

Tommy started to set up the cameras and I just sat and watched him work since he didn't want me to, why? Well because I didn't sleep! so I am all looney. "Tommmmy" I say making the m longer to make his name boring. "What?" He says sitting next to me ready to start streaming, "Well, we have known our parents for our whole life but it isn't vise versa." Tommy sighed at me and hit me lightly on the shoulder. "You seriously need to get more sleep, I am going to start the stream." He walks up to it and presses live then comes to sit back down. "HOW ARE WE DOING BOYS?!" He questions the stream.

I leaned against the tree and tommy laughed lightly. "Do you have anything you wanna talk about?" Tommy said and turned his head to face me, I thought and then looked to chat, they were all asking why I seemed so sleepy. "How about we talk about sleeping issues?" I suggested and Tommy looked at me with slight confusion, "like your ones of just in general?" Tommy says that and then covers his mouth realising what he said, it wasn't like I was not expecting this, it was bound to be said. "In general." I say just ignoring chat and brushing off what tommy said like it was just dust.

The stream was long, we talked about everything and at one point we played some peaceful music and just was chilling and I lay my head on tommys shoulder. that, is going in a compilation somewhere- I sigh being tired from streaming but my brain racing with thoughts about the stream and how well it went, my brain just would not me sleep if I wanted to. But at that moment I was covered in blackness and my body took over my brain, bringing me to a peaceful sleep full of nothing and everything at the same time.

"Ranboo, I wanna tell you something." Tommy said this harshly and I backed away a small bit before replying. "What is it toms?" His stare really got me thinking that he was about to kill me, leave me or hurt me. "I am soo sick of you! you are just so ugly an idiot and no one likes you!" My eyes started tearing up and I tried to refrain from anything but just staring at him blankly. "SAY SOMTHING GOD DAMN IT!" He yelled and punched me in the arm, hard. 'That is going to leave a bruise' I think to myself before receiving another hit, but this time it was to my abdomen, My whole body hurts.... and I threw up a lovely crimson red liquid, blood. I shivered from weakness and then I saw absolutely nothing.

"RANBOO!" I sit up quickly being awoken by Tommy yelling my name, I pull my hand up to my face and wipe away the tears that were running down quickly. "I'm-" I couldn't say much else because Tommy pulled me into a hug and started mumbling how much he was scared. I hugged him back and then looked around, it was, night? I must've slept for a fairly long time. "Come on boo, let's not sleep tonight, you seem super frightened. What was you dumb dream about any way?" I looked to him as he helped me stand up as I felt weak, I didn't wanna break eye-contact with him, it made me feel safe and right at the moment that is all I want to feel. "Hellloooo, Ranboo? You zoned out." I shook my head before replying with "Oh, I'll tell you when we are in your room, okay?" Tommy gave me a little nod and pecked my lips before going up the stairs.

Once we were up stairs in his room and changed I told him what happened, he looked like he was disappointed in his own self, even though we both know he would never do anything like that at all. His uncertainty about his own self after I finished was major, and now I regret telling him, because he just wants me to leave so he doesn't hurt me. After hours and hours of bring back old memories and telling him he is nothing like he is in my dream, he forgets about it, and I ma happy for that. He brung me in for a kiss and our lips interlocked for a few seconds before breaking it. "Thank you boo" And he hugged me, but I am the one who feel asleep in his grasp, cuddled into his chest.

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