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I woke up crying. I couldn't clearly remember the reason, but I think I saw a ghoul related dream. I got up, got ready and left for school. It was early in the morning. In the school yard weren't that many students.  It was winter, November, so it was quite cold and I decided to go straight in to the classroom, where I found no one. 
First period, maths. So boring. I sat on a desk and put out my sketchbook, where I started to sketch a manga. 

*school's over*

I had a nice day. With Ina. She's becoming my best friend. 
I headed home. My school's at the 20th Ward, so it's a long way home, but I've found an easy and shorter way, by going inside the little streets. I have only a fear; ghouls. I know, I shouldn't, because, if I'm scared, I won't be able to run away that easy. At least, school is over at 5 o'clock and it's not night or late afternoon. And I've heard that ghouls come out only late. I wish this is not just a theory, but a true fact. 
I was in the 19th ward, when I heard footsteps following me. I didn't say anything and continued to walk. I was even scared to fasten and walk faster. I walked and passed a corner, hoping that the person will stop following me. But I was wrong. Instead, I heard more footsteps behind me. I started to shake, but hopefully didn't stop walking. I finally started walking faster. And as it looked like they did so too. And I made the wrong move, by deciding to take another way, that the one I should. Which was one way. I had to stop. I turned and faced a man and a woman looking at me with  evil eyes that locked with mine.They were wearing black masks. Their scary eyes were red. Red eyes. That's disgusting. But- wait a minute. I stepped back; I knew what happened. They are ghouls. They don't have red eyes. Ghoul's eyes are black with red irises. 
''Oh, no' I said out loud. The woman laughed. And stepped closer. I can't die like this! I just started having a nice life and know...I have to die...? Why everything's so wrong with me!? I stepped back as they were coming closer. They were looking me with a full of hunger look. 
''My, you should be tasty, you know' the woman said. I closed tight my eyes and stepped back again, but I hit the wall. 
''N-no, no' I shook my head, unable to open my eyes. There were million thoughts in my head. Should I try to run? No..they will sure catch me... Should I try to fight them? No, they're for sure stronger than me. Only if the catch me, I'll try to escape. I can at least try. I finally opened my eyes and took a defensive position. The man laughed.
''So you think we won't catch ya, little girl?' he said ''Hahahahaha, humans..!' He was so scary. But the woman was more. She was tall and beautiful. She wore a green dress. Her hair was dyed dark red with black highlights. And her look was terrifying. She stepped closer. They know were only a meter away from me, I guess they could hear my fast heartbeat. The woman moved and in the next moment she was grabbing my arm. I tried to escape, but she grabbed and my other. I didn't stop trying. I kicked her in the leg, but it looked like she wouldn't feel pain at all. The man laughed. And put away his mask. As well as the woman did. I tried to take the opportunity to escape, but she quickly hold me again. 
''Well, know should we try how tasty she is? Or should we get this one to the master?' asked the man. The woman didn't respond quickly. She was thinking of it, I guess.
''We can head back, and on our depends on the hunger.'' she replied. ''Okay, then, let's go' said the man. Then the woman let out her kagune...! Her kagune was koukaku. She put it around my body and held me in the air. I tried to scream, but I was in such shock, I just couldn't. We headed for the 20th ward again. 
We were moving for ten minutes, in which I couldn't think of anything. I was in shock. Suddendly, the woman stopped moving. So did the man. He turned to face her. 
''Can you sense it?' he asked. His voice was quite and serious. ''Yes, I do' the woman replied. ''Let's hurry' she said, jumped at a building and continued moving. Now we were moving faster. These two are...scared? of someone...? I thought. I had never thought before that there would be ghouls who are scared of ghouls. I thought ghouls were...friends with each other, if you can call it like that. Guess I was wrong.  
We stopped again, in a small dark street. It was now late, late enough that the moon was out. The woman put on her mask. And looked around. The man nervously looked around too. He activated his kagune. 
''Looking for someone?' I heard a voice of a man, coming from the above. As much as I could, I turned my head to look above. I saw the shadow of a young man, but I couldn't see clearly.
''Nara...' started my kidnapper, without taking his look of the other man's shadow ''get ready. It's him' 
''Yes. ' the woman replied. And I thought of something that made me even more pale than before. They were going to fight. And she didn't put me down. I will die. In a fight. Oh lord. I closed my eyes. I heard that mystery man laugh and then the woman jumping. I felt something hitting the woman, that hit me too. And I did the mistake to open my eyes. That man who was fighting with my kidnappers, was a boy at his 17-18, I could tell by his appereance, with a black masked covering his whole face. His hair was blue. His kagune was ukaku, I think. And he was powerful; he knocked out the man with only one hit! But then, I remembered that he was going to hit the woman too and I panicked. I started moving, like a fish out of the water, hoping I can escape. But the woman only told me ''stop moving, you little b*tch!'' and so I did, not wanting her to kill me right way. The woman, Nara, jumped to another building and started running. He followed us. The woman was running so fast, but the man seemed to be faster. He appeared in front of us and kicked the woman in the face. Her kagune let me free and I fell on the ground. I crawled in to a corner. I was hurt badly on my leg. But I watched as the man kicked her again. I could see her pain and I felt pain for her. Even if she was my kidnapper, and was about to eat me. I closed my eyes, unable to continue watching such cruel things and also covered my ears, so I don't have to hear her. And then she stopped. I opened my eyes. I saw that ghoul and the woman on the ground. Unconscious...or...dead. The man stooped down and bit her on the arm. I couldn't watch; but I couldn't not to. I was watching a ghoul eating. Eating another ghoul. I was watching someone eating flesh. Like that. The fear that overwhelmed me was uncountable. I started to shake. That ghoul's going to eat me too, for sure. I was only some meters away from him. I tried to move, without him noticing, but still, I couldn't. Then, I noticed my leg was bleeding. Oh, no. I looked back at the man. He had stopped eating. He got up. And then I saw his face; he had put out the mask, so that he could, you know, eat. And he was pretty handsome. He looked at me, without an expression. For a moment I though he was going to attack me, but he didn't even step close. He put his mask on his face and turned to leave. He jumped on a building and started running away. I looked as he left. 
Why didn't he attack me? I thought.... ghouls are addicted to human flesh...But he... Those thoughts disappeared, because I started feeling more pain. I looked at my leg. It was bleeding a lot for sure. I tried to get up and walked to the closest shop I could. The woman who was working there quickly called an ambulance, as well as my mother. 
They took me to the hospital and treated properly my wound. Then we headed home. My mom asked my what happened and I told her that I had took another road and fell, accidentally. She seemed to believe me. 
I just couldn't tell her the reality. As well as I couldn't stop thinking about him.

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