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a/n: sorry i couldn't help myself from making another songfic and this one has been in my head for months😓 i feel like it could've been better but i guess overall im happy with how it turned out. i dont own either coverarts, i hope some ennotana shippers are able to enjoy this!

I still remember the third of December, me in your sweater

You said it looked better on me than it did you

Ennoshita could scarcely contain his excitement. For the first time ever, he was completely alone with Tanaka Ryuunosuke. Everyone from the volleyball club walked home together, as far as they could go anyway. Tanaka and Ennoshita both lived pretty far, but Nishinoya had been homesick, and the second-years had stayed a bit after practice to talk about second-year stuff, so it was just the two of them.

"–and then I just slammed it down on the other side, right past that triple block, did you see that Ennoshita-kun, do you remember–hey, are you cold?" Tanaka had been recounting the tale of one of his spikes earlier, which Ennoshita was more than happy to listen to, when he stopped to ask if he was cold.

"I...kind of, I guess, but–"

"You're shivering, here, take my sweater, I insist!" He exclaimed, rapidly tugging his sweater off before Ennoshita even had the chance to resist. He had forgotten how to form words when suddenly Tanaka was shoving the sweater into arms, and he had no choice but to put it on. Tanaka watched patiently as Ennoshita slowly shrugged it on, immediately feeling ten times warmer.

"See, all good now, and you look fantastic, much better than I do in it." Tanaka stated with that stupid, blinding grin of his that always made Ennoshita pause.

After making sure Ennoshita was really good, and lightly teasing him for forgetting a jacket, Tanaka went back to his story of the spike, how he blasted through a double block to, how he managed to get a soft block by himself off Asahi.

"You were really good too Ennoshita! That receive you had towards the end of practice was fantastic, it was kind of funny how you rolled over, but it was really good, even Daichi said so. The one at the beginning you got that was just off the outer of the corner was great, even when Noya called it out." Ennoshita was grateful the sun had set long before because he was positive he was blushing. For Tanaka to specifically remember his best moments from practice and compliment him on them, that had to be something, right? Should he go for it?

Ennoshita had liked Tanaka since the beginning of the school year. It was stupid really, that was what he told himself. Tanaka was usually pretty wild, he had an obnoxious dyed blonde buzz cut, he was the kind of person his mother probably wouldn't trust. Ennoshita had always been drawn to the overly-enthusiastic ones though and had come to accept his debatably bad taste. He'd never acted on any of his feelings before since his crushes usually faded after a few weeks, but he'd liked Tanaka for months now. Should he pursue it and say something, give it a try at least?

Only if you knew how much I liked you

But I watch your eyes as she walks by

Tanaka had moved on from volleyball to dinner, how his mom was making her famous udon and onigiris, and his sister would be home to visit from college over the weekend. Ennoshita was kind of annoyed with himself, how he was smitten by the littlest thing he did, like when his eyes lit up talking about his family, the way he would be polite and ask Ennoshita things in turn. It was nice. People seldom talked to Ennoshita, and it was still rarer that they asked him something other than the obligatory "how are you" or "how was your day?"

"What about you, anything your parents make that you look forward to?" Tanaka asked, genuinely curious. That was another thing Ennoshita liked about Tanaka, something he couldn't fault himself for; Tanaka was always genuine, easy to read. You always knew how he felt, he didn't try to complicate things by saying or doing things he didn't mean like some people. It set Ennoshita at ease.

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