I nodded. "N-nice to meet you too," I replied shakily. I found myself holding onto my necklace tighter. Part of me felt uneasy around her, even if I had no reason to be.

"Could I take a look at your necklace for a minute? I know that it's very important to you. I'll be careful-" She reached out, but I took a small step back. "Hey, it's okay, Y/N. Merlin won't break it. I promise," Meliodas smiled, trying to persuade me.

I shook my head. "N-no!" I stated. "My friend doesn't want you to!" I spoke a little louder. I watched as their eyes went wide. Merlin hummed in thought and glanced at Meliodas before looking back at me.

"He doesn't want us to touch the necklace? Is that what you mean?" Merlin asked her questions carefully.

Maybe I can still get some information from this-

I nodded with a small hum. The necklace pulsated in my hands. It was black with the smallest hint of yellow.

Meliodas kept his gaze at the color. The demon's angry....and worried...

"How do you know that he doesn't want us to touch it?" Merlin pressed on. "I just know....its just a feeling I have...." I mumbled. "It almost feels like....he's being protective...he doesn't want anymore people to touch it," I looked up at them and their subtle shocked expressions.

Meliodas returned to his cheerful demeanor. "Okay! That's fine! How about we get you some food. Ban's one of the best cooks I know!" I nodded with a bright smile.



Once they all had finished eating, Meliodas and I went outside. He looked around and picked up a stick and handed it to me. "We'll start with this first," he explained, moving to grab a stick for himself. I nodded. "Okay,"

Meliodas gripped the stick tightly. "Alright, the first thing is to have a good grip. It has to be strong, but allow movement. If you were going to strike me with a sword, how would you hold it?" Meliodas asked me.

I adjusted my hold on the stick for it to be a little looser. "Like this?" I showed my grip up to him and he smiled. "Yup! Just like that! Now, I want you to try and hit me," Meliodas stood still. I gulped. "But- what if I hurt you?" I asked frantically.

Meliodas shook his head and giggled. "Nahh. You won't hurt me," the demon reassured me. I nodded hesitantly. "Even so, you may be young, but if you want to train, you'll have to be ready to hurt others and get hurt yourself. With that said, come and hit me,"

I ran forward and struck forward with my stick, but he blocked it with his own. I took a side swing, which he blocked as well. I watched Meliodas with intense eyes.

"As you can see, defense is also very important," Meliodas smiled. I nodded. He opened his mouth to explain something else, but I spoke first. "Try to hit me and I'll block. I was watching the way you blocked earlier," I explained with a nervous laugh. Meliodas almost seemed proud as he wore a smile.

"Alright, let's see how much you were paying attention," he swung his stick downward at my smaller figure. With two hands, I raised the stick above my head to meet his attack. All of a sudden, his stick went off course and was coming from the side. Immediately, I moved my stick to the side to block it.

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