It was a very sunny day so she went and sat out in the back garden with a book.  Not long after Seb had texted her, her phone rang.  It was Lance. 

"Morning Lance, how are you?" she said.

"All good thanks Alyssa.  You?" he replied.

"I'm good, just enjoying the weather."

"Yeah, it's a beautiful day.  I'm ringing with some good news for you."

Alyssa grinned even though she knew he couldn't see her.  She hung up five minutes later in a great mood.  Now she could tell Seb everything. How would he react?  She hoped he'd be pleased. 

She stood up and went back indoors as it was getting a little too hot for her liking. She headed  into the games room and connected her phone up to the sound system via Bluetooth and began blasting her music out. She then sank down onto the sofa and continued  reading her book.

At lunchtime she grabbed a sandwich, and tried to decide what to do with the rest of the day.

She decided to have a drive to the local supermarket to pick up some snacks. She really fancied some chocolate. Her period was due and she always craved chocolate at that time of the month.

By the time she got back it was gone three o'clock. She knew that Seb would be in the air by now. She headed to the toilet and found that her period had indeed turned up. At least it was a good excuse to stuff herself silly with the giant bar of Dairy Milk she'd just bought.

Curling up on the sofa in the games room with a cup of tea and her bar of chocolate, she switched the television on and began flicking through the channels. How could there be so many channels and absolutely nothing she wanted to watch? She switched it off.

Her nerves were beginning to get up now. Would Seb want to talk today? Would he be too tired? Oh no, would he mention the drunken texts?

She put her music back on and shut her eyes, thinking through what she was going to say. She didn't mean to fall asleep, but that's exactly what she did.


Seb got out of his car, opened the back door and took the pizza boxes off of the back seat. He left his case in the boot. He'd get it later after he'd eaten. He was absolutely ravenous.

He let himself in, balancing the pizzas in one hand. He could hear distant music coming from the games room. He headed straight there. He couldn't wait another minute to see Alyssa.

As he entered the room he saw her fast asleep on the sofa. He smiled to himself. She looked so peaceful. He put the pizza boxes down on the table and knelt on the floor besides the sofa. He reached his hand out and brushed the hair from off of her face. She moved her head slightly but didn't wake up.

He cupped her cheek in his hand and began to stroke her soft skin with his thumb. She gave a small moan in her sleep.

"Alyssa," he said quietly. "Baby, I'm home. Pizza's here." She slowly opened her eyes and looked at him, a small smile appearing on her face.

"Seb," she murmured. He couldn't resist it. He stood up, sat on the edge of the sofa next to her and leant in close,  kissing her tenderly. He gently nipped on her bottom lip, demanding access to her mouth. When she parted her lips he slid his tongue between them, stroking it along hers. It was a totally different kiss to what they'd shared before. Gone was the urgency. This was a tender, sensual kiss.  Alyssa gave a little moan as Seb slid his hand into her hair.   After a minute they broke apart, both yearning for more.  

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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