"I don't know. The spark is still there with her, but I have no clue how she's feeling" He said and we dropped the subject since Macklemore and Ryan Lewis's "Thrift shop" came on the radio.

We arrive and get out of his Audi, Megan noticed we arrived and she rushed over to us, going straight over to Josh.

There's no way she doesn't feel the same spark that he does by the way she's acting with him. I tell them I'm gonna go to my locker and let them be.

School was very non-eventful. I had Josh in my gym class, but unfortunately that was it. We played flag football and I was on his team. We kicked ass and I got a chance to see how good of a quarterback he was, he definitely has a chance to be on the team next season.

School just let out and I met up with Megan and Josh at my locker.

"Hey guys, wanna go to the mall? I wanna see if I can get a new outfit for my party tomorrow."

"Yeah we're down" She said looking at him.

We arrived at the mall and went straight for Hollister since we're all obsessed with that store.

I walk into the store and go towards the dresses, which is surprising since I never wear dresses unless I absolutely have to. 

This sleeveless sundress catches my eye. It's really pretty and it's on sale for $25.99 which is pretty cheap for Hollister. As I continue to look at the dress I feel someone behind me.

"That's nice, you should get it" Josh said making me jump.

"I don't know, I don't normally wear dresses."

"Well wear whatever you feel comfortable in, but I still think it'll look great on you" He said.

Hello butterflies, I missed you.

"Thanks" I said blushing.

"Your welcome. Tell you what since I didn't have time to get you anything for your birthday, I'll pay for your dress" He said.

"That's really sweet of you, but you don't have to do that" I said sheepishly.

"I know, but I want to" He shrugged.

After going back and forth with Josh, I finally caved and let him buy the dress.

We also went into American eagle and I found flip flops that I really liked and Josh insisted he get them for me too. I already told him I'm going crazy for his birthday present next year for buying me my outfit.

After spending three hours at the mall, we finally left. I was quiet on the way home since Josh and Megan were flirting the whole ride home, it's almost like I wasn't even there.

And once again all attention is on Megan.

"Well I'm gonna head home, see you tomorrow Katie" Josh said when we pulled up in front of my house.

Him and Megan pull out of my driveway and go to his house, she told me they made plans to have a sleepover since his parents weren't home, and by that I mean have sex.

I really have to squash this crush on Josh before it gets worse because hearing about that made me sick to my stomach which is ridiculous because I only know him for 1 day. It is what it is, but there's just something about him.

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