-4- The Story of a Light

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"The lanterns! Light your lanterns!" Someone's voice drifted over the lake.

The lanterns slowly started filling the skies, "Shoto! People are-!"

"Here," he pulled a single lanturn out and lit it, "I thought you'd like the full experience."

I lit up, "Shoto, thank you."

The lantern was gorgeous. It was covered in sparkling swirls of gold. Half of it was a pure yellow gold, the rest a light gold that showed the wires within.

"Now we let it go."

I placed my hands on Shoto's, and together we guided the lantern into the darkness.

The moment lasted for forever. Switching between Shoto's magical eyes that glowed in the darkness, and the lanterns that lit a path to the heavens.

It was everything I had hoped for. And so much more. I found myself glancing at Shoto's lips, only to pull myself to a safer place, the lanterns.

But all good things must come to an end.

"Shoto?" I found my hands moving to where I had hid his satchel, "I... I um..." I coughed out my nerves, "I have something for you. I know I should have given it to you before, but I was just..." I handed him the bag, "scared."

He took the bag in his hands, "Scared?"

"But I'm not scared anymore!" I could feel my heart beating out of my chest, "I'm not afraid at all. I-"

I noticed Shoto's gase had shifted to the shoreline, "Are you okay?"

"Everything is fine. There's just something I have to do."

My heart stopped. My eyes went back to the lanterns, "Right. Right... Let's just head to shore."

We hit the shore before I could blink. He got out, satchel in hand, "I'll be back."

That was the last thing he said before he disappeared. And the worst part is that I believed every word.

~Shoto's POV~

My head was filled with... fuzz. She looked so gorgeous under those lights. I couldn't handle it. And then... out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw blue flames. I had only ever known one source of blue flames. But that source was dead. Toya was dead.

"Hey little brother," I froze. His voice filled my imaginative mind, "You miss little ole me?"


"Miss me?"

I looked around, but I couldn't find him in the darkness, "Where are you?"

"I'm nothing but a ghost," His laugh cracked through the night, "Makes it so the guards don't chase you. They just wanna kill me. Easier that way."

"Look, I-"

"Shut up."

"Let me-"

"Night night."

"Night night?"

And that's all I remember.


~(Y/N)'s POV~

Minutes passed, and I tied the boat to a nearby tree stump. A shadow cast over me, "Shoto!"

I turned around to see Dabi, "Well. I won't say I told you so."

"Because he hasn't abandoned me."

"No," He smiled, "Out of love."

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