The taller girl turned back to the daisies, laying them down gently next to her. She ran her fingers through the grass, feeling the remainder of the stems from where she'd cut the flowers.

"Stupid," she mumbled, shaking her head and knocking on her forehead a few times, as if to check if her brain was hollow. "Stupid," she repeated, picking up one of the daisies and trying to connect it back to the stem.

"Bad," she sighed. Her hands shook in frustration as she tried to make the daisy stand up in the patch of grass once more. "No, bad," she shook her head quickly and continued trying to get the flower to stand upright.

A drop of water on her back made Yaning jump. She looked up at the sky, trying to determine where it came from. Suddenly there was another drop, and another, and another, until there were too many for the girl to count.

"Ouch," she muttered. Quickly bending down, she gathered up the flowers and held them tightly against her chest. She shook her head, looking around for somewhere where the water couldn't hurt her. The largest thing she could find was the forest, so she held the flowers close to her and waddled off of the path, stumbling through the brush.


Mashiro had just fallen asleep when someone burst into her room. She'd walked back home and headed straight to her bed, intent on getting some sort of sleep to get the thoughts of Yaning out of her head. Ever since she'd left the park, the older girl had been the only thing on her mind.

She groaned, sitting up and staring at the figure in her doorway. "What do you want?" she huffed, wiping her eyes and glaring at Chaehyun.

"Where's Yaning?"

"How am I supposed to know?" Mashiro threw her hands up in the air.

"I left her in Yujin's room for twenty minutes so I could try and get some homework done, and when I came back, she was gone, Mashiro. Gone." Chaehyun shook her head and sighed in frustration.

"Last time I saw her was at the park," Mashiro shrugged, running a hand through her short hair. "She picked the fucking flowers I was sketching."

Chaehyun took a deep breath. "Okay, well, where was she?"

"At the edge of the woods, where that one bench is," Mashiro stood up and flicked on her light. She blinked a few times to let her eyes adjust. "Why does it matter?"

"Because she could be lost, Mashiro," Chaehyun laughed at Mashiro's utter disregard for the other girl. "Not to mention, it's pouring rain." Mashiro raised an eyebrow, drawing one of her curtains aside and realizing just how awful the weather had gotten.

"She can take care of herself," Mashiro shrugged, trying not to become too concerned for Yaning. For some reason, she was starting to feel bad for the way she was treating the other girl. But Mashiro knew what she had done, and she continued to tell herself that she hated her.

"That's debatable," Chaehyun mumbled, leaning on the windowsill next to Mashiro. "Did Yujin tell you about last night?" Mashiro shook her head.

"Get your keys," Chaehyun nodded towards the door. "I'll explain while we go look for her."

Mashiro groaned. But for some reason, she grabbed her keys from the nightstand and followed Chaehyun into the living room. She figured it was the least she could do for leaving Yaning in the rain in the first place.

The girls jogged through the rain and slid into Mashiro's car as fast as they could. "So what was Yujin supposed to tell me?" The short haired girl started the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

"Go left," Chaehyun instructed. "We'll circle around the back of the park." The girl started intently out the window, thinking for a few moments. "I'm not really sure," Chaehyun said honestly. "All I know is that when Yaning was getting changed, Yujin found glass in her feet."

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