Arc 3 Chapter 10 - Completing the Puzzle

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"So you're going to retire her yourself, and make yourself out as the knight in shining armor?"


Her face soured as I agreed with her metaphor, although I couldn't figure out why. Perhaps she was upset at me being Horikita's knight instead of hers, although after what I had done to the poor girl, there was no sane person who would think I was on her side.

The rest of the walk passed in silence, with Kikyou following my footsteps as we made out way out of the jungle. I had mapped this path several times over in my mind, and ensured that nothing unexpected would happen, like getting lost and falling down a cliff. Really, I would never be so unprepared as for such a thing to happen.

It was all the more special then when in silence the jungle suddenly parted, and we made our way onto the beach. Luckily the weather had held, with clear skies for the entire exam, and Kikyou and I both stopped simultaneously, in awe of the sight before us.


I wholeheartedly agreed with her sentiment. So far on this exam, I hadn't been out to the beach, or out of the jungle at night, and I didn't think Kikyou had either. We had seen glimpses through the trees, and the clearing where our class was camping gave hints away, but nothing matched up to how it looked right now.

A starry expanse filled the sky, stretching as far as the eye could see. Glittering gems dotted the sky, too numerous to count. The Milky Way spread across the centre, a magnificent band of light spread out across the darkness above. It was a sight beyond description.

Never in the White Room had I had a chance to go outside, let alone see the night sky. Once I was out, and staying with Matsuo, one of the first things I did was spend the night outside and look at the lights shining down from above. There were many nights I spent back at school on the dorm roof absorbed by the twinkling stars shining down on us.

But nothing compared to this.

Away from Tokyo's intense light pollution, in the middle of the ocean without a cloud or light in sight, the sky opened in a way neither of us had ever seen.

It was magnificent.

I don't know how long we stood there, distracted by the light, but at some point, Kikyou's hand had found mine, and we stood there together, amazed, awestruck, by the indescribable sight above us.

Eventually, unfortunately, my neck got sore from looking up, and I could feel the weight on my shoulder from Horikita's listless body. It was an upsetting reminder that we couldn't stay here forever.

Perhaps, if I hadn't chosen this path, I could have. If I hadn't decided to insert myself into the chaos of school, to have fun and challenge everyone I could, then perhaps I could have stayed here longer.

But I had made my choice. I had chosen my path, I had put myself into this situation, and now I was reaping the results.

So be it.

Hand in hand, I moved with Kikyou towards the boat, ready to set the final piece of plan into motion, the night sky glittering above us in all its beauty.


We reached the boat ramp, where Chabashira and one of the test supervisors was waiting for us.

"What happened."

It seemed there wasn't going to be any friendly banter. Understandable, since as a teacher her first priority was to her students.

"We were trying to sneak around the island and spy on the other camps. Horikita tripped and hit her head on a rock."

The supervisor brought out a stretcher, and I quickly laid Horikita down on it, grateful for the weight off my shoulder. She wasn't that heavy, but it was an awkward way to carry a person, especially for the three quarters of an hour it took to get here. The night sky was really distracting.

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