143 15 54

I do hate flying 

At the best of times 

But rum and coke helps 

With two halves of limes. 

If there are no limes, 

Then lemons will do 

But I still need the rum 

And my husband to come. 

He helps keep me calm 

As we leave the farm. 

He clasps my one hand 

As the plane takes off 

And gives me a mint 

If I start to cough 

Or there’s even a hint 

That the trip might be rough. 

When the steward comes 

With drinks on a tray, 

I’m ready for one. 

Hip! Hip! Hooray! 

He makes my day. 

I’m almost ready 

To give him a hug 

But I once did that 

And the guy did shrug. 

That flight was so bumpy.

The clouds were real lumpy. 

I asked him for a ‘chute 

"Sorry ma’am, not today, 

No way, not on this route" 

And then, to my dismay, 

He turned the other way. 

I became annoyed. 

‘Twas then that I toyed

With giving him lip 

But my husband warned, 

"Your mouth you must zip

Or you’ll go by ship." 

And now that we have 

All the terrorist scares, 

My dear husband prepares

For over the ocean 

In case I might cause 

Another commotion. 

We wear our life jackets 

From the very start

Just in case we might

Be suddenly told 

We have to depart. 

We both don’t care 

What others think 

But know for sure 

Our ship won’t sink.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2013 ⏰

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