School had just let out and I was meeting up with Megan to go shoot some hoops at the court in my neighborhood.

She came up to me. "Hey did you hear we're getting a new kid?" She asked.

Didn't take her long to find out about the new guy.

"We're getting a new kid?" I asked playing dumb. I don't know why I didn't tell her about my interaction with him.

"Yeah. Josie was telling me about it at lunch, she said she saw him in the office on her way from french class" She said.

"That's cool."

"Yeah, she was telling me how hot this guy was" She smirked.

Of course she did, not that I can blame her.

"Okay before you get all boys crazy let's go to my house, so we can change and go practice" I said changing the subject.

I don't know why it's bothering me so much about Megan meeting the new kid or even talking about him, maybe it's because I met him first and it's almost like a secret because she always gets the guys and I don't and I'm sick of it.

"Ok before you get all boy crazy let's go to my house, so we can change and go practice."

"Ok" She rolled her eyes.

Once we got to my house, I went up to my room to go change into something more comfortable. After I put on my basketball shoes we left for the courts.

As we walked to the courts we saw a U-Haul truck in the house across the street from mine.

Yup... The hot guy is my new neighbor, lord help me.

As we got closer to the courts I realized we weren't the only ones there today. In the far back court was a guy shooting some free throws. I have to admit he's really good.

"Hey why don't we introduce ourselves?" She asked even though I know she'll only be talking to him.

Before I turn down the offer her, she goes over to the guy.

So as we approach the guy, I can tell he's around our age since he looks decently young. I'm just about to get his attention when Megan gasps and runs to him. Here I'm thinking she's really gone boy crazy.

"Josh!" She yells leaping onto him like a tree frog.

The guy "Josh" realizes that the koala attached to him he actually knows because he hugs her back.

"Megs! is that you?" He exclaims with a huge grin, swinging her around in a circle.

"What are you doing here?" Megan said continuing to hug him.

"My dad got a job down here, so we had to move" He said.

"Wow what are the odds" She said with an equally big grin.

"I know right!" He exclaimed.

So I'm just standing there, watching their interaction waiting to be introduced, wondering if I should cut in or not when I realize that this "Josh" is actually the hot guy I met this morning.

"Oh yeah Josh, this is my friend Katie, Katie this is my ex boyfriend Josh" She said.

Ex boyfriend? Now it makes sense.

For the year I've known her, all she talked about was her ex, how she missed him and loved him.

"Hey I know you... You helped me this morning, thanks" He said.

"No problem."

Wow I managed to say that without stuttering, I deserve a medal.

She turned to me. "You helped him this morning?" She asked.

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