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i can't bare this shit anymore

i'm interning for the blanch firm but what's up?

stella can't you fucking tell

i'm so confused
tell what?

i swear your the most clueless person ever

is this some kind of joke?

no it's not a joke
stella i fucking love you, i've been loving you, and i'll forever love you.
ever since you followed me a couple months ago you've never left my damn head, i love you so much that i didn't care wether lily left me or not, because i'd know i'd still have you.
all i've cared about is you, i've beat myself up everyday for the past 4 years for leaving you freshman year of college, it took me years to realize i pushed away the love of my life. YOU ARE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE. you make me feel like i'm on cloud nine, your more addictive than the strongest drug ever made, lily could never make me feel anywhere close to how i feel when i'm with you. i regret leaving you and i regret not reaching out earlier. i love you so damn much that i truly never got over you, after fucking on wednesday i thought this was over, i thought that i lost you, again. and i'm not ready to lose you again, i don't regret wednesday, i love you. i truly do and if you don't see me that way it's totally understandable i mean this is a rash decision after talking a couple shots of 1942 but hey a drunk mans thoughts are a sober mans words or something like that, haha.

wow um
i don't really know how to respond to that, that came out of nowhere.

i had to get it off my chest, it was killing me.
guess tequila gave me that final push i needed to finally tell you.

i love you too, but you don't know how bad it hurt me when you left me. i beat myself up everyday thinking i wasn't good enough, i picked myself to shreds, was i too thin? was i too tall? was i not pretty enough? was my butt too small?

your perfect but go on

oh you.
i truly was heartbroken, i wasn't truly ready to date again or hook up with anyone until junior year, you broke me. and i choose to see the good in people because i know that people deserve a second chance, i gave you a second chance and i never thought you would think of me that way again so i never thought about us two ever getting back together.
but now that you've told me how you've truly felt i feel like i should tell you too, i love you. i've never stopped thinking about you, and i've gone through hell and back with you, and if there's anyone i'd want to do that with it's you.
i choose you a thousand times again and again.

well that's a relief
i choose you too a million times again and again.
then what are we?
we both obviously want to be something more than friends

i say we're together and maybe we could go farther than that this time

i like that
where's the law firm your interning at and what time are you done interning love?

it's near grand central and fifth ave, right in front of the empire state building, and i'm off in 30 mins

i'm gonna go pick you up and we'll get dinner at fig & olive
sounds okay?

but i'm dressed in a pant suit
i look so overdressed

you'll be fine
you look good in everything

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