Manager:ever since spider man has gone missing a new enemy has a risen

Mary jane Froze and realized what was happened

Manager:We are sorry feel free to leave

Mary Jane:What happen to you peter
At mcu universe

Peter was with the his friends

Peter:To easy

Wanda:How are you so good

Peter:Well i have always had a gift with knowledge

Ned:So awesome but i wonder what if you can make something from your dimension here and make some money

Peter:I don't know i mean i could help out with the avengers

Wanda:It would be amazing i wonder what can your big brain can do

Peter:Yea i wonder that too

Then a black car came out and saw 2 men in Black with shield logo

Men:Peter parker director fury would like a word with you

Peter:Oh man

Men:He is happy about your plans*winking*

Mj:Dont do anything dumb

Peter went with them so a shield headquarters were fury meet him

Fury:Got to see you peter

Peter:Hey you could have left a text

Fury:Sorry but we needed you here since you are the only one who has something that can help us


Fury:exactly we could use it to help us out to make sure we can do better decisions

Peter:Kinda scared to hear that

Fury:I know you don't feel comfortable saying things that brought nothing but shame

Peter:But if we use it responsibility we can

Fury:glad you think like that

Peter:so how do we start

Fury:First let me get maria hill and carol danvers

Peter:She is here now

Fury:Yup come on

Peter walked in to an office room were he came face to face to captain marvel

Captain marvel:Hey peter Parker you got something for me

Peter:Exsqueeze me?

Hill came in with several notes

Hill:Ok now you need to tell certain events that made several shifts and tell us well about these mutants,inhuman

Peter:alright but let me tell you its a long process

Captain marvel:We need to know everything

2 hours later

Peter made a map of a big timeline

Peter:That how we were they were made what happened

Carol:Did those things happen in those battles


Hill:What do you live on

Peter:I don't know anymore

Carol:So you know me well



Peter:I asked you out and you said yes and next thing let to another we were eating together

Carol:Wow how long did we last

Peter:Not long you left me to go to space and went to date someone else


Hill:Oh damm hey what about me

Peter:Well dictator bad

Hill:how bad

Peter:Well you chained me had a Psychic go in my mind and take information you almost look us up in a prison dimension for are known to be heartless sometimes

Hill was silent

Peter:But here im glad your different

Hill smiled

Peter:i always wonder how they keep the world safe now cause there only enemy is themselves and i wonder can i stop you guys from killing each other

Hill and carol looked at each other

Peter then got a notifications

Peter:I need to go hope we can work this out soon*leaving*
Peter walk in his house and was greeted by may

May:Hey peter from another dimension how was your day

Peter:Oh great helping shield out

May:Thats good hope we can do better than that damm universe maybe i can meet that stark and show him the back side of my hand

Peter:Or the stare that gives chills

May:Oh yea so ready for movies night


May:Only if you don't lay on my stomach for too long cant feel my legs when you do that

Peter:Sure no problem

In peter head
*I hope i don't hear those words again*

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