Chapter 1 Cutting

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Miya POV
Well today i'm getting ready to go meet Shawn . I knew Shawn before he was so famous . In 3rd grade, we still keep in touch but not as much any more.

When I was little I got diagnosed with cancer when I found out I was devastated I was already depressed and now that just made me more depressed, so I started cutting.

when I heard that Shawn was coming in town for his MAGCON tour he found out that I cut myself and when he found out I said

"one cut there one cut here no one will see it no one will care "

I said depressed "But I notice and I care Miya I think you need help" Shawn said worried "Miya would I be helping you if you came on tour with me and the guys to get your mind off thing i mean I'm here for you now "

" Well I guess I can come but trust me I'm fine don't worry abou- " I said while Shawn cut me off " I can't not WORRY ABOUT YOU MIYA " Shawn said concerned "

does anyone else know about this Miya?"

"No" I said guilty "Look Miya I recommend you stop now I worry about you I know that we don't talk as much but still I think about you" RING RING RING !!

My phone rang I went to pick it up

"Oh hi honey can you come home we are going to Golden Corral with Shawn and his family " my mom said " you need to come home and get ready "

"Oh well I'm actually with Shawn we can just meet you there and plus I was already ready " I said
"Okay honey did you take your medication?"

"Yes mom I have and I brought extra too " I said
"Okay good bye"
I hung up and put my phone in my butt pocket ,
Then we headed to Shawn's car and drove to Golden Corral.
Hey guys so this my first book I hope y'all BYTCHES LIKE THIS SHIT


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