Deamteam forever

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I see you ;)

My eyes shot up from my phone as I started looking around for a very tall, dirty blond 22 year old male wearing something that was probably green with his signature smile in the middle of it.

Dream's POV:

I saw George frantically looking around the airport but the only mistake he was making is that he was only looking in-front of him when I was in fact behind him.

I thought of what to do to scare him when, *ding* I grabbed my phone out of my pocket to then realise George had text me.


Bitch where tf are you?

Just keep looking Gogy don't give up so easily

I again watched in amusement as George tried so hard to find me so I slowly crept up behind him. After a good minute of two he went to pull out his phone again, more than likely to text me when I whispered a slight "Boo".

Georges POV:

I still couldn't find dream anywhere so I went to pull out my phone to yet again text Dream and complain but that was until I heard someone from behind me whisper in my ear "Boo"

I shot my head around to see the random person who just whispered in my ear but was immediately faced with pure beauty, he was tall, dirty blond, he had freckles and.. wait.. DREAM?! "Dream" I said quietly "Hello there Gogy" Dream replied smiling. At this point I was blushing, I never came out bisexual to any of my friends even tho I knew that they were going to support me, that's when I realised I was staring.

"Let's go I'm tired" I say for my excuse Dream nodded his head in approval then turned around and started navigating us through the airport. Once we got out he then took us to his car and it was a pretty decent looking car. It was a black Range Rover with really nice interior

 It was a black Range Rover with really nice interior

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(Looked something like that <3)

I headed over to the passengers side or so I thought and opened the door only to be met with a steering wheel, "oh yea-"
Dream laughed at this and slightly moved me out of the way by my hips.

I blushed, a lot, and I quickly walked to the side that was the passengers seat in America. "Where's Sapnap?" I asked "Oh he's asleep at the house, I didn't want to wake him up so I just decided to come by myself" he replied "A nice surprise for when he wakes up" Dream looked over at me and smiled when he finished saying what he wanted, "He'd prefer something other than me I bet" I say with a change of tone making Dream hit me on my shoulder gently and started showering me in compliments.

Many compliments later -u-

"OkAy I get itttt" I said very embarrassed, Dream just smiled and finally started the car offering me the aux cord, I very gladly took it and pressed shuffle on my play list

Sweater Weather - By the neighbourhood

Dreams POV:

After showering George in compliments on how cool and honestly cute he is, I started my car handing him the aux cord, Sweater Weather came on and he started humming along with the tune and I didn't mind, I always found George cute, Whenever he giggled or smiled or was just him in general! I found it cute. I'm Gay, only Sapnap knows this and I feel bad for keeping it from George but I had plans to tell him while he was here.

After many songs from George's surprisingly good taste in music we arrived at my house. After stoping the ignition I glance over at Gogy who is staring with awe at the house, it was cute, "This is your house??" George spoke after a minuet "Yea! Do you like it?" I asked with a slight worrying voice, "Well I've  only seen the outside of the house, I will judge if it's good or not when I get into the actual house" George said with a slight teasing tone and my face went red in embarrassment.

I hopped out the car and walked up the steps not yet locking the car allowing George to get his luggage out of the boot ( idgaf what you Americans call it, the back of a car is a boot >:[ ) after he closed the boot door I locked the car changing the key on my keychain and unlocked the house door. I walked in and George followed not far behind admiring the house infront of his eyes.

"Ok so, do you think it's good?" I asked now that we were inside the house and he was spinning round in circles taking in his surroundings "Dream wtf, I knew you probably had a nice house but I didn't think it was this nice!" George said without a trace of sarcasm in his words.

After he finished his sentence we heard stomping from the stairs then came out a very sleep deprived Sapnap. He looked at me then let his eyes fall to George who was looking back at him both of their faces lit up as Sapnap ran and pounced onto George, "Sapnap get of of me, your crushing me!" George screeched from underneath Sapnap who was suffocating George in a bear hug.

"Okay, okay Sapnap we get it, you have to share George though" I said with a frown on my face as I pulled Sapnap of of George who was just laying in defeat, that was until he spotted Patches heading out of the living room to see what all the commotion was at the front of the house because as soon as I got Sapnap of of him he jumped up and speed walked to Patches making sure not to scare her away and started petting her almost immediately.

Georges POV:

After being bear hugged by Sapnap I ran to Patches after Dream was able to pry Sapnap of of me. I sat petting the pretty feline infront of me. After a couple of minutes I look back over at the door only to find the boys have gone else where, I stand up walking to the kitchen with Patches following close behind.

As I entered the kitchen I was greeted with both of the boys on their phones around the island, then Dream looked up at me "Not even 10 minutes you've been in my house and you've already stolen my cat" Dream frowned after finishing his sentence making me look down at my feet to see the Patches rubbing her body against my legs.

"Oh come on now Dream, we both knew this was going to happen" I smirked at him, he blushed. Am I seeing things? I thought to myself settling on the fact I probably was.

I walked to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle from it, then I informed the boys that I was going to go unpack my things and they nodded. I walked to the door and grabbed the suitcase I just abandoned there and took it upstairs to unpack.

Dreams POV:

Seeing George smirk at me made me flustered. I knew I was blushing but I didn't mind, after all I was planning on telling him I'm gay soon.

George made his way to the fridge grabbing a bottle of water and letting us know he was of to go unpack, me and Sapnap nodded and he left the kitchen with Patches following him again.

I stared back at my phone scrolling through Twitter liking a few things here and there, well that was until Sapnap heard George close the door to the room that was going to be his for a few months and maby even more and he turned my phone off while it was still in my grasp.

I turned to look at him and he just looks back with a face that I know abit too well and I knew what he was going to ask me next, "You like George more than a friend don't you?"

1367 words
Hehe cliff hanger if your here from my tiktok hello hi! ^^ glad you came I will try publish more tomorrow <3

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