Chapter 1: A Shocking Rememberance

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You left the hospital at 5:30, you hated working the night shift but Maggie was short most of her nurses as the result of a nasty stomach flu going around.
"Bye Mags." You and Maggie were headed to the parking lot.
"Thanks for staying late Liv." Maggie looked exhausted, and rightfully so.
You lived about 10 minutes away from med. After every long shift you zoned out and the time flew, one second you were pulling out of the parking lot, the second you were opening the front door.
You stomped the snow off your boots and stepped inside. You slipped your boots and coat off and let Timber, your husky, out the back door to pee. Then you headed to the bathroom to get your scrubs off.
You threw your scrubs in the laundry and your phone pinged on the bathroom counter.
Hey, I'm heading over with some of your things from Will's apartment before work, 5 minutes out, is that alright?
It was a text from Jay. It had been almost two weeks since you broke up with Will, he got a two week suspension and hasn't been back to the hospital. You were exhausted, your muscles ached, and your head felt foggy. Your mind swarmed with thoughts about your patient. A visit from Jay might ease your mind.
Yeah, that's fine.
You knew Jay would never come over if you told him you just got off a 24 hour shift, he would tell you to get some rest, and that he would come back tomorrow. He only texted you at 5:42 in the morning because he knew you always got up early, he didn't know you never went to bed. Something told you that seeing him was what you needed right now.
You held off on showering and changed into some sweatpants and a oversized t shirt. You took your hair down and rubbed your eyes, what a day.
You turned down the hallway and headed towards the couch, you sinked into the couch hoping you wouldn't fall asleep before Jay got there.
"Crap." You had just gotten comfortable when you realized you forgot to unlock the door for Jay. You got back up to unlock the door for Jay, back when he worked with you he had a key, you weren't sure he still had it. To your surprise the door was unlocked,
I swear I locked that. You thought to yourself. Just then Timber started barking, he wanted to come back in, normally he wanted to stay out and lay in the snow, he probably wanted to visit with you.
"You lying bitch." You were about to let Timber in when you heard a voice behind you that you had not forgotten, Kenny.
Before you had time to fight back he had grabbed you from behind, pinning your arms back and putting his hand over your mouth.
You fought but he slammed you into your granite countertop multiple times, knocking you out cold. Your limp body fell to the ground, battered and bloody.

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