You laughed a little, "I'm not surprised. How long did the doctors say I'll be in here?"

"Well they stitched you up," Levi answered. "But I told them to keep you in here."

You furrowed your brows, "Why did you tell them that?"

"Because knowing you, you'll be reckless and be back in here."

"And I'll be here to make sure she heals well." Yelena walked into the room along with Onyankopon. Levi arched a brow at the both of them, mainly at Yelena. "Don't worry, I'll make sure she doesn't do anything that decreases her chances of healing."

You rolled your eyes, "I won't, so if I can just leave this place I'll be fine."

Eren walked up to the both of them then looked at you. "You were right" was all he said before kindly introducing himself.

"This is my doctor Onyankopon," Yelena mentioned. "He also helped Y/N."

You started to shake your head, motioning your hands to tell her to change the subject. Everyone looked at you, Eren and Jean both crossed their arms with the expressions that said "Explain" while they waited for your elaboration. You sighed, glaring at Yelena.

"It wasn't anything serious so-"

"What happened?" They both said with stern voices.

You gave them a faint smile, throwing your hands up in defense, "It wasn't my fault, I was doing my job." You stared at them who had disbelief on their faces. "What it's true, she was attacked!" You pointed at Yelena hoping she would back you up.

"Yea, I was," she said. "He had a weapon and she was unarmed, her quickest reaction was to block it." You hummed in agreement aggressively nodding. "And Onyankopon stitched her up."

Eren scoffed, "So you couldn't tell me that?"

"Oh please look at how you're reacting now," you roll your eyes. "Back then it would've been way worse."

"But I'm your best friend," he grabbed his shirt dramatically while he put on a hurt expression which made you laugh hysterically.

"Stop, I'm in pain," you laughed, wincing as you feel a sharpness in your wound. "No seriously..." You let out a long sigh to calm yourself down. "Can I leave today-"



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Yelena's pov

Y/N's friends stayed for a few more hours. The person that was asleep in the chair finally woke up and was full of energy after seeing Y/N. I'm not sure but I think they have an issue with me, judging from how the person was glaring at me from time to time. Normal people would introduce themselves but in this case it was the opposite. Completely ignored my existence until they all left. Which was a simple "You better not hurt her or else" with evil eyes and a slight yank on my collar before the short man...I recall Levi tamed it.

Right now, I'm sitting next to Y/N. The pain tablets (medicine) they'd given her made her all cute and weird. She practically talked my ear off but I simply listened since it was intriguing. She asked me to sit next to her even though she was falling asleep mid sentence but kept the conversation going. I thought I'd never hear her talk to me like this but I guess it's when she's unaware of it. She's finally asleep now though.

I watch her as her soft snores fill the room. I don't know why she never acknowledges my compliments but it's not like I'm lying about it. She really is a beauty. Even when she's asleep. I can't help but bring a small smile to my face. She looks so pure and at peace. Like when she's asleep, she is free of something I can't figure it out though. I brush my finger across her cheek as she rests.

"You like her don't you-"

"Fuck- Onyankopon, how long were you there?" I slowly get up, not wanting to wake her up. He laughed and I pinched my brows together wanting to know what was funny.

"I've been here long enough to know that you caught feelings for your bodyguard."

He stands there, giving me this mischievous smile. I roll my eyes at his immaturity, "Is that...bad?"

"Only if you look at it as a bad thing. You beat me to it."

"What?" I eyed him wanting him to elaborate on that last sentence. "You're attracted to her-"

"I'm joking Yelena...calm down, I'm joking."

Hearing that, it felt like a weight leaving my shoulders. Am I happy he's joking? Of course I am. But why? It's not like I didn't know she likes women anyway. I smile to myself, laughing after.

"What's funny? Fill me in."

"It's nothing."

"C'mon tell me, it must be funny."

I simply shake my head, keeping the nice thought to myself. He wouldn't want to hear it anyway. "It's not that funny so there's no point in saying it."

"Saying what?"

The both of us go silent and slowly look towards the bed. Y/N was waking up.

"Um...saying what?"

She repeats herself. Her eyes are low as she stares at the both of us. Her eyes. I felt heat rise in my face and look away, going for the door. "Onyankopon can you check her for me?" I could hear his small laughter as I opened the door.

End of pov

You furrow your brows as you hear the door shut, "What's up with her?" You asked.

Onyankopon chuckled, a shrug following after, "Not sure why she walked out either." He stood in the same spot, already knowing that he didn't need to give you a check up. It was the only thing Yelena could say, he knew her mind was racing with thoughts since he peeped the red tint on her face as she left the room. "You'll have to ask her about that."


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Not sure of what he meant, you hummed in response. Both of them are weird.

AN//: sorry for late updates again🥲 anywho things are starting to speed up here 😙

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