Chapter 10: The Lions Return

Start from the beginning

Byleth let out a deep sigh of relief. At least she won't have to fight one of her students that she formally taught. Seteth finished writing the first letter and handed it to Byleth. "Is this ok to send out to your friends?"

Byleth and Dimitri scanned over the letter quickly.

To whom this may regard,

It is with great honor and urgency that I inform you of an important message. Recently, the whereabouts of Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd and Byleth Eisner-Blaiddyd have been discovered. We are delighted at such news and wish to request your presence at Garreg Mach Monastery where they have been residing. This also means that a true Kingdom force can be gathered and assembled at once to begin our assault on the Empire. If you are not present at the Monastery within 2-3 weeks of this letter's delivery, then it will be assumed that you are no longer an ally but an enemy.



"Does this have to sound so formal?" Byleth asked when she finished reading the letter.

"In order to be sure that this letter seems legit enough to convince everyone to return without them thinking it's a trap, I had to write it formally." Seteth replied. Byleth handed Seteth back the letter and he started to begin writing copies. "Do you wish to send out letters to anyone in the Golden Deer class? Specifically the ones that joined your class."

"Yes, I want them to come too." Byleth nodded. "Ignatz, Marianne, and Lysithea, but that's it. If the others want to join us, they must prove themselves on their own merit."

"But what about Claude?"

"He clearly wants to remain neutral." Dimitri said. "Plus, this isn't his war to fight, I don't wish to rope any one who isn't involved. Even then, our only goal is to kill Edelgard."

"As you wish." Seteth said as he continued to write. Byleth glanced around the room, looking for a simpler and quicker way to get the letters printed.

"Is there any other option to get these letters written?" Byleth asked curiously.

Seteth looked up from his paper, unsure if he should answer the question truthfully. Some time ago, Lady Rhea unfortunately banned, or at the very least heavily restricted, the use of the printing press for "religious reasons", saying that such technology could easily spread false teachings of the Goddess. Seteth disagreed with her reasoning, arguing that such an invention could revolutionize the world and could even make education more accessible with books being easier to print, however, Rhea dismissed Seteth's reasoning and followed through with her ban.

With Rhea missing, however, as long as they could find one, they would have free rein over the printing machine. Just maybe, if they ever found her, this little stunt of theirs could persuade Rhea to lift her ban. Or better yet, have one of them lift it. Rhea mentioned that if anything happened to her, she would've entrusted her duties to Byleth. Seteth was also her right hand man, the people would believe that if anyone would succeed Rhea, Seteth would be the best bet. Dimitri was even a king. Although a presumed dead one, once he reclaimed power, he could reverse the ban in at least the Kingdom, right?

"Well," Seteth began. Byleth tilted her head in confusion. It was supposed to be a simple yes or no question, right? He sighed and he pushed his chair back from up near the table. "Follow me." He gathered the materials and exited the cardinal's hall with Byleth and Dimitri quickly following behind.

The 3 ventured down out of the Monastery building and to Abyss of all places. Down in the deep depths of Abyss, a dark library awaited them. Seteth walked over to a corner that had a large object covered by a large dusty and dirty cloth. He removed the cloth, releasing the multitude and years worth of dust particles into the air and causing both Byleth and Dimitri to cough a little.

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