Chapter 4

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It has been two weeks and Klaus spends more time at Jessica and Alaric's then he does at home so he can get to know his daughters more and they all bond very well

Klaus was currently at the grill have lunch with his daughters (minus Hope) on their lunch break

They were laughing and having a really good time until Rebekah and Elijah walked in and saw them

Once Klaus saw them walking up to them he rolled his eyes getting the girls attention

"Well look at the lovely family here," Rebekah said smirking

"Why hello sister and brother," Klaus said glaring at them

"We haven't seen you at home in awhile Hope is upset," Elijah said

"I am just trying to get to know my daughters I left behind," Klaus said

"For two weeks?" Rebekah scoffed

"Well we are 18 years old and he wants to know everything about us, it is going to take awhile," Cecilia snapped

"Dad, me, Charlotte, and Cecilia are going to head back to school before our lunch break is over, see you later," Cassandra said kissing her fathers cheek with the other girls following by kissing their fathers cheek and leaving the grill

Rebekah rolled her eyes "That little girl snapped at me Nik," Rebekah said whining

"That isn't my problem she is an adult not a little girl she can do as she pleases," Klaus said taking a drink from his cup

"Brother she is disrespectful to her family," Elijah said

"Again not my problem because she is an adult and I haven't been around enough to reprimand her and I wouldn't even if I could because she doesn't know you as family," Klaus said getting up from his seat and putting the money on the table to pay for the four meals and left his siblings in shock with his answer

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