found him, your majesty

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Reon-any/all pronouns but prefers he/him
Semi-anything but she/her
Hinata-he/him but wants to experiment with neopronouns

Also, possible trigger warning for mentions of bruises and implied abuse (Karasuno).

I still have not received an answer so I shall ask again, how are you all acquainted with Hinata Shouyou?

Frosted tips(Semi):
Funny story, um!

Fluffy hair(Reon):
He recently joined, this is his first day! I was the one to show him around and it was the day you were sick!

But how do we know that he isn't just pretending to join our school so he can spy on us?

Pumpkin spice(Taichi):
Ushijima, you are WAY too suspicious of him atm, do you have a grudge against him or something?

I don't hold grudges, Kawanishi, you should know this by now. But I despise when people have worthless pride and Hinata Shouyou has this sense of pride that stems from virtually nothing.

That worthless pride might have driven him to spy on us subtly.

Frosted tips(Semi):
You know what? I think I know a way to make you stop being so damn suspicious of him!

And that is?

Frosted tips(Semi):
@Saggy and @Aka can bring him to practice after school then you can talk it over with him!


Hinata now stood in front of Ushijima, his legs buckling at the thought of being yelled at by him.

"What are you doing here?" "W-what do you m-mean?" Shouyou whimpered, what did he even do that made Ushijima THIS mad at him?

*Don't fucking play dumb with me, I know that you are just here to collect information for Karasuno." Ushijima spoke, his voice seeping with anger.

Reon decided to try and bring a stop to the one-sided argument, stepping in-between the two. "Ushijima calm down, you're being irrational."

"I am not being irrational, Ohira-kun. I am simply calling Hinata Shouyou out for his lies to you all. He has no intention of staying in our school so I'm just speeding up the process." Ushijima snapped back, glaring at the small boy behind Reon.

"No he bloody isn't, Ushijima! He just wants to get through the rest of the school year but you're making it really fucking hard for him!" Semi shouted at the captain in hopes of knocking sense into him.

Nope, just made him angrier. "Why must you be so gullible, Semi? It is obvious that he had been caught out so he has decided to hide behind Reon because he has already deceived him."

As the argument began to get more tense, Hinata ran out and began to break down. He never wanted this to happen, this would've never happened if he just ignored everyone!

"Hey little dude, you alright?" Yamagata questioned the first year, crouching down so he could be eye-to-eye with him.

"N-No, I'm n-not. I n-never wanted t-this to h-happen!" Hinata sobbed, burying his face in Hayato's shoulder.

Yamagata froze, what should he do? They then remembered something, he had a friend who could help Hinata calm down!

Suddenly, Yamagata picked Shouyou up and began to walk away from the gym. This made Hinata erupt into a flustered fit. "Y-Yamagata-senpai?! W-what're you-" "It's fine, I'm gonna take you to meet a friend of mine!


Goshiki finally noticed Hinata's absence and exclaimed. "Wait, where did Hinata go?!" Everyone turned their head to find that the small first year was indeed gone.

"Oh shit, where is he?!" Semi shouted in panic.


Hinata and Yamagata ended up chatting all the time that they were together until a voice interrupted the two. "Damn Yamagata, didn't know that you got a dude!"

"Yuna, why do you ALWAYS assume that I'm dating someone when you see me talking to them?" Hayato chuckled.

Yuna was taller than the two, had medium length hair and had blue eyes that were like cloudless skies. Without a second thought, Hinata complimented her. "You're really pretty, Yuna-senpai!"

Yuna gasped, covering her mouth with her hands. Yamagata stared at her. "Yuna-" "can I keep him?" Yuna spoke, still dazed by the compliment.

Hayato sighed, they kinda had a feeling this was gonna happen. "Unfortunately, you can't keep him." "Why not?" "Because he has his own family and I don't think they'd be too thrilled if he didn't come home!"


Shiratorizawa tings

Fluffy hair(Reon):
@Undercut where did you take Shouyou?

First of all, you havent even know the lil guy for a month and you already using his first name? Second of all, im not telling you!

A beast👹(Tendou):

Shit, see ya!

Yamagata quickly put his phone away. "Hina-chan, why do you have bruises on your arms and wrists?" Yuna asked, gaining a panicked look from the ginger.

"It's- well…" Shouyou began. "You see, when I messed up, my old team used to hurt me-" "They WHAT?!" Semi's voice cut him off.


--•••• sent a picture--

Found him, your majesty

~~To be continued~~

You can grow new wings without them, trust me(REUPLOAD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora