that went downhill fast.

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Hinata didn't know what to say, he was frozen from fear. "YOU GONNA TALK OR NOT?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Kageyama yelled.

Hinata started to cry, he knew that he was gonna get hell from Karasuno next time they saw him. He still had some bruises from the last time he made them angry.

Kageyama then clicked his tongue. "Tch, fine then, don't talk, you'll just have to suffer the consequences even more." Hinata was shaken to his core, they were gonna hurt him again.

And with that, Kageyama hung up and Shouyou fell to the ground, he was dead if he saw them again!
Hinata's vision began to fade as more and more tears rolled down his face. He suddenly fainted, this would be better than facing Karasuno, right?

----meanwhile(ooo, who's gonna find Hinata?)----

A person with a bowl cut was on their way to the gym, that was before they heard the sound of someone falling onto the concrete so they went to investigate.(I think we all know who this is!)

As soon as they looked around the corner, their jaw dropped, why was there just someone on the ground?! Obviously, they started panicking.

The only thing they could think to do is pick the person up and find help, so he did.

Surprisingly, Hinata wasn't that heavy so it was easy for the black-haired person to pick him up. They then started running towards the gym.

Coincidentally, it seemed like somebody was looking for the person.

"Oh for god sakes Goshiki, where were you- who the hell are you holding?!" Asked a person with light brown hair and a slanted fringe.

"I don't know, they just passed out! I didn't know what to do so I just took them here!" Goshiki exclaimed with a panicked expression.

"Please, Shirabu-san, you need to help them." Goshiki pleaded with Shirabu, gaining a sigh from the second year.

"Fine, I'll get somebody." Shirabu replied before walking into the gym. Goshiki then looked at the small orangette in their arms.

'What even happened to make you pass out?' Goshiki thought to themself as they pushed a strand of hair behind Hinata's ear.

---timeskip brought to you by Friday Night Funkin---

"Does ____ know about Hinata-kun yet?" Semi asked Reon. "No and to be honest, I'm scared to tell him, we know that ____ hates him." "I guess that's true, so how do you suggest we keep Shouyou away from him?"

"I'm not sure, but we'll find a way, I know we will." Reon responded.

---another timeskip brought to you by cat hoodies---

It was Hinata's first day and let's just say that he wasn't ready. He was scared of what other people would think of him, would they like him?

He walked at a slow pace, his safest option was to not talk to anyone new and stay around the people he already knows.

He thought that nobody would pay attention to him.

That went downhill fast.

~~To be Continued~~

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