Blast From The Past

Start from the beginning

"Goodnight daddy," Marina said with another yawn before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep. Keith spared her one last look before he headed back to Camilla's bedroom.


"You loved him, didn't you?" Rachel asked as she walked into Lance's bedroom. Lance jumped and turned from where he was working at his desk.

"Who?" Lance asked as Rachel closed the bedroom door behind her.

"Do I look stupid? I saw the way you were staring at him at the charity concert," Rachel said with a roll of her eyes. "Let me guess, you broke up after you agreed to marry Nyma and he left town and you realize you still love him. How right am I?"

"Spot on," Lance said with a sigh. "Except you didn't mention that he was pregnant when we broke up and he had twins, twin girls."

"Holy shit you're a father," Rachel said with wide eyes. "Wait, you broke up while he was pregnant!? Lance! That's a dick move!"

"Hey! I didn't know he was pregnant at the time," Lance protested with a glare. "Then again, I don't even think he knew himself. Probably found out after he already left town."

"How long have you known?" Rachel asked in a hushed tone, sitting down on Lance's bed.

"Known what?" Lance asked.

"That you liked guys," Rachel said with a sigh.

"Since college I guess, I found out a little bit after Veronica..."

"After she got kicked out," Rachel finished with a frown. She remembered that day, crystal clear, like it happened yesterday. She missed her older sister dearly. "Is that why you hid it for so long? You and Keith? And your sexuality?"

"Yeah," Lance said with a nod. "I was scared and let their expectations scare me into doing what they wanted. And as a result, I hurt Keith."

"Do you still love him?"

"Of course I do," Lance said with a soft nod. "I don't think I ever stopped, probably never will."

"Then why are you letting him go?" Rachel asked.

"He doesn't want to talk to me," Lance said with a shake of his head. "I tried and he told me to stay away from him and the girls."

"Then keep trying," Rachel said with a soft smile. "You told me never to give up on something I truly wanted, so don't give up on hope."

"God you sound like mom," Lance said with a chuckle. "Stop growing up."

"Very funny," Rachel said with a smile. "By the way, Millcreek."

"What?" Lance asked in confusion.

"Where his mother lives," Rachel said pulling out a file. "If he went anywhere, I'd bet everything on Millcreek."

"How did you-"

"Veronica, her girlfriend works in the police force and offered to help," Rachel said with a smile. "And before you ask, Veronica reached out to me last week and wanted to catch up. She asked about you as well. I gave her your new number."

"She's always there when we need her to be," Lance said with a smile. "Even when she's been away for so long."

"So are you going to Millcreek or what?" Rachel asked, placing the file down on Lance's bed. "I'd be thinking of an excuse to go and tell mom and dad why you'll be gone for a while."

"I'm going, geez," Lance said with a roll of his eyes and getting up from his bed and heading to his door.

"Lance!" Rachel called out, Lance turned back to his sister. "By the way, I'm bisexual."

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