Chapter 1- Sam's point of view

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The room was dark I could not see anything. I started to explore. All I see is a light, a light that gets bigger and brighter by the minute.
Somehow I've landed in a hallway, where two guards stand speaking to each other in front of a tall wooden door.

"Who are you intruder!!!," the guard screamed.
"I'm looking for the king," I said, confused about how my mouth got those words out, without me thinking it.

As they both reach to grab me, their hands suddenly go straight through me, quickly making me realize how translucent I've become.

"What kind of witchcraft is this?" The first guard says in a shocked tone.

"Like I said I need to see the king, I must warn him of the grave danger approaching Astral," I yell the l last part, again being shocked at how this information came out of my mouth without me even remembering how I got the information in the first place.

"We can't grab her, what do we do?" The second guard whispers to the other guard, both looking at me with disgusted faces. Then suddenly a pretty girl appears at the end of the hallway, walking towards us.

"Get your filthy hands off her!!!" The fairy girl screams at the two guards, immediately moving away from me.

"Yes, princess Clover." Both guards say.

"Are you ok?" She asks. I look into her eyes for just a minute making sure isn't going to hurt me and I can quickly tell she means what she said. That she's different from all these people, she does not belong here she is pure-hearted. She means good. I nod in response.

" I need to speak with your king, take me to your king," I speak. The fairy girl nods at me.

"I'll take it from here guard you are dismissed," she waves her hands at them, and at her wave, they leave.
"Come on, I'll take you to my king."

The fairy girl leads me through a bunch of hallways and passes a bunch of rooms before finally stopping in front of a big silvery, dragon embroidered door.
Without even knocking first, she opens the door and the big heavy beautiful doors burst open, giving us access to walk inside the room.

"Who is this commoner, you have brought daughter?" asks the king. Who is sitting on this throne, built very high up? Am guessing so he can be above his subjects. When I get closer to him my body acts quickly to bow down to him, and the boy next to him, which am also guessing is the further king in the making.

"h-Hello I am Sam and I come with a message," I said nervously.

Trying not to look at him, but it is hard because he is so handsome for a king and that is probably more than a hundred, or even more years old. With black dark slick hair, the brightest green eyes I have ever seen and wings, he has wings spread out behind him.
"A message for me? Will then, speak, commoner," he says.

"It's from the gods, I come to warn you," I yell out the warn part because all I want to do is to get over this and get those green eyes off me.
The king's eyebrows lift. My breathing goes still and I am nervous again.

"t-The magical world it's slowly dying, dying. The gods say that if the magic is not restored by the next crown there will be no Astral left to call home. We... We will cease to exist, ..... Forever, "I said with a sad tone. I still have no idea how many brains know this information or when I meet with the gods to discuss this information. The king tries to speak but doesn't. I see my message has hit a nerve of his.

"What is this some kind of joke?" The boy sitting next to the king says, getting up from where he was sitting just a minute ago, now approaching me.
"Tell me you're lying and maybe I'll spare your life." In those few seconds that he speaks to me, he somehow managed to take out his dagger, pointing it straight at my throat. Ready to slice it and kill me.
"I am no liar, I only tell you the truth, and if we don't do something fast we will all die," I move a bit to the side away from the dagger and specifically address my words to the king, looking him straight in those scary bright green these that I have been trying to avoid looking.

"Adam," the king says.

The prince turns around, and then suddenly he moves, going back to his seat next to the king.
"Alright let's say you are telling the truth. What do we need to do to stop this grave danger from arriving in my world?" The king asks, looking skeptical than ever.

"I don't know your majesty," I say because I really don't know. Somehow my brain doesn't know this information but knows to give out a message about some grave danger of the magical world. My mind is blank until.

"We need Colton!" I scream out. They all turn to me, surprised and shocked at the thing I screamed out. It's like I've just declared war or like if I just murdered someone in front of them all, that's how they're looking at me right now.

"You need Colton?" The king asks.

"Yes, that's all I know about stopping this."
"Alright, I'll get you, Colton. Guards go fetch Alice's son, tell him his king asks of him. Quickly!!!" And like that the guards leave to go find Colton, whatever it is.

A person, an object, a place, whatever it is I just know that what comes next is going to be even scary than warning the king of grave danger. Coming to his beloved magical world, the place a lot call home.

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