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Armaan and Riddhima got married once more on a bright sunny day, on a beautiful beach, exactly one year from the day they'd first taken their wedding vows. Riddhima had insisted on a Christian ceremony this time, and Armaan had only been too happy to oblige his wife. All their friends and family had received the news with the exact level of exuberance and enthusiasm that the couple had expected and had thrown themselves into helping the big day happen.

They'd decided on an intimate ceremony, only inviting their closest friends and family to watch them promise themselves to each other once more. Today, they all sat on the shore, as they watched Riddhima walk up to her husband. While Riddhima had insisted on a Christian ceremony, it was a far cry from any traditional ceremony. Both Armaan and Riddhima refused to have anyone standing at the altar with them, intent on making the promise only to each other. Riddhima had refused to have her father walk her down the aisle as well, wanting to give herself to Armaan alone, just as he'd give himself to her. There was not a dry eye in attendance at the ceremony, all the attendees extremely happy for the couple.

As they stood in front of the small crowd, reciting their own vows, Armaan and Riddhima only had eyes for each other. Heartfelt vows were exchanged, tears were shed, and promises were renewed. They both knew that things would not be alright overnight, that they still had a long way to go, but as long as they had each other, they both knew they'd be fine. 

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