Chapter 3

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'Beep, beep!'

'Beep, beep!'

Ugh..what is that noise?


Madeleine woke up to an alarm on his phone, and quickly shut it off, not wanting to hear the iPhone music for sixteen minutes. The alarm meant it was time to get ready for school, and this time he set it a bit early so Espresso could get home in time.

"Madeleine, was that your alarm that woke me up?" Espresso asked looking up at the blonde with drowsy eyes, on Madeleine's chest. He was snuggled there from last night, where the two awkwardly confessed and agreed to sleep together since they confirmed that they were now dating. Some people might think they were moving too quickly, but the boys were very close even though they met only in sixth grade, so it wasn't that awkward for them.

"Ah, yes. My apologies, I set it early so you would have time to go home and get ready." Madeleine looked at his chest, holding Espresso. "Mhm, thanks. I'll be going now." Espresso got up and out of the bed and walked over to Madeleine's dresser, he put his glasses on top of there last night so he just needed to get those and be on his way. He tiptoed to reach, claimed the glasses and slid them over his face, and got his bangs out of the way. "Well, see you at our meeting spot." Espresso smiled and waved. "Yep. Bye-bye, Espresso." Madeleine waved back. Well, I should probably get ready now..


Welp..I'm dating my crush now apparently, Espresso thought as he walked home. And I have to bring my saxophone to school..great.

Espresso returned home and went upstairs to his room, he got on his clothes and threw Madeleine's that he was wearing yesterday in the washer, he turned it on and proceeded to get ready. He walked into the bathroom and brushed his teeth and washed his face, then got his bag and instrument. He packed lunch and slid it into his bag, he got on some shoes, left the house, locked the front door, and closed it. He started walking to where his friends would be waiting for him.

It was a gloomy day, the dark grey clouds were all over the sky, not letting a single ray of sunlight through. Apparently, it rained last night, because the grass beside the sidewalk was wet and had a foul smell to it. There were also worms wiggling on the sidewalk, trying to get to a wet area to not dry up and die.

As Espresso walked, he saw a group of three teenagers at their meeting spot chatting and stopped. Almond, Latte, and Madeleine were already there, but he quickly realized that Madeleine was blushing while Latte and Almond were making fun of him, probably because of last night. He looked up at the sky and sighed. Let's get ready to face this I guess.. he thought to himself while looking back forward and taking steps towards the group.

"Haha, now we can make fun of YOU for having a relationship!" Latte said to Madeleine as Espresso got close enough to hear the conversation. "Guys please stop making fun of me, I know I make fun of you but it won't happen anymore!" He protested. Espresso snickered, even though this 'fight' included him, too. He put his instrument case on the sidewalk to prepare for his next move, "I know I'm included in this as well but I don't think that will happen to you anytime soon." Espresso crept up behind his boyfriend and grabbed his shoulders. "Oh, good morning, Espresso! Can you try defending me here?" Madeleine smiled and asked. "Well, what is this about anyway?" He questioned and got off of the taller boy while grabbing his case from the ground. Latte stared at him, "You really think I didn't see what happened last night? You two kissed! That means you're dating, right?" "Eh- I mean-" Espresso started, "I already know, don't worry. Be who you are, don't hide!" Latte joked.

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