"What's with the blindfold?"

"I need you to put this on. I want to show you something- it's a surprise." Eyes sparkling,I smiled. Gelda always gave the best gifts.

I took the blindfold and put it around my eyes.

Gelda took my hands and guided me somewhere.

I kept pestering her about where we were going and what she had prepared for me, but she wouldn't tell me anything.

Sometime later, I started to feel a light breeze near my face and light hot streaks.

It felt so pleasant. But where were we? As I was going to ask, Gelda removed the blindfold or so I thought. When I opened my eyes, Zeldris was in front of me. I blushed at the close proximity.

I looked around me, looking for Gelda but she was nowhere to be found.

Where in the heck did she go?!

"You won't find her. We exchanged places when you put the blindfold on; it was part of my plan." Zeldris said while blushing and scratching the back of his neck.

Oh- that's why she wasn't answering my questions

Makes sense. How in the heck did I not notice when he took my hand it was different?! Stupid me...

"Why would you make this whole plan just to see me?"

"I ..I wanted to make it up to you for how I acted yesterday.

I wanted to tell you how proud I was of you." I looked at him with big eyes. I was blushing at how gentle he was being towards me. I smiled at him with tears pricking the corners of my eyes. I lunged toward him and hugged him tightly, I wasn't expecting him to hug me back. The hug felt like he was protecting me.

I pulled back and gasped, noticing his bright green eyes.

" Zel.. your eyes are so beautiful!"

He blushed a deep red and turned away while mumbling his reply.

" They come only when I'm happy and trust the person...and something else but I'll tell you later...."

He took my hand and guided me somewhere. This time, I really took the moment to look closely around me. We were in the Demon Realm, but this part wasn't devoid of life. It wasn't eternal darkness nor lifeless. Actually it was quite lovely, more so than the Goddess race.

Once we stopped walking, Zeldris brought me down on the cover that was on the ground. "Gelda helped you with everything I presume?"

"Yeah, I didn't even know what to do to make it perfect, but she knew how to do it. I'll have to thank her for that later." he smiled a little, however he frowned right after.

"Listen, I want to apologize for how I acted towards you. You didn't deserve any of that, you were nothing but sweet to me and I got angry at you. I should've told you how proud I was to you, I should've been touched that you were willing to risk your life to protect the Demon Realm and it's not even your home. Please forgive me"

Tears were streaming down my cheeks touched about his words

"Zel I- "

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