"It's fine you don't have to tell me who it is or what it is that has upset you, or who has hurt you if you're not comfortable, but please.... Tell me if something is bothering you"

Maybe I could just tell him that someone has upset me without telling him the name of the person. Yeah... that could do, I hope that he won't find out who I'm talking about.

" Okay fine someone kind of ... hurt me but without any intention of doing that on purpose. And Ludociel hurt my wings when I was fighting him..."

"Okay... mind telling me the whole story so I can understand better?"

I exhaled and told him everything, the moment I met Zeldris, to the moment I was trained by him and to the moment I had defeated Ludociel and when Zeldris got mad.

"Right, I understand better, well I guess he got worried about you and didn't really think about anything for a moment. Maybe he doesn't know how to deal with those emotions and It's new to him... it kind of reminds me of someone I actually know." He chuckled a little bit. I fidget with my fingers knowing full well who he was referring about.

" Well... if I'm correct he cares about so don't let it get to you too much, I'm sure he was proud of you, but the worry got to him and he let it out in anger" I looked at Meliodas and smiled a bit, he was right I was alone when I fought with Ludociel of course Zeldris would be worried about me and Zeldris is not the kind of demon to show his worry through positive emotions. I guess I understand better now.

" Thanks Mel, I think I get it more now, I'll try not to get it to me too much." I gave Mel one of my big hugs, he hugged me back. "No problem, you're family to me and I love you, so if anything happens to you I won't ever forgive myself. Or if someone hurts you I'll break them." I pulled back a bit and gave a closed eye smile " I love you too Mel !"


Three hours before :

Zeldris's POV :

Damn it, damn it!

I shouldn't have screamed at her, but I was so worried something would have happened to her and when I saw that she was indeed hurt I got so angry I lashed out on her. I gritted my teeth, I clenched my fist tightly and closed my eyes; why can't I go back in time and just take her in my arms and tell her how I was so worried about her, but that I was also so proud of her for defeating Ludociel. I let out a frustrated grunt. While having my turmoil I didn't even notice Gelda behind me.

" Zel, what in the world are you doing? Please put down the rabbit."

What? What rabbit-

I look down at my hands and see a rabbit tightly held by my hands, I widened my eyes and let it go. How in the world did I even take it and when?

I close my eyes and turn towards Gelda.

" Oh my... you look terrible what happened?"

" Something happened after y/n fought with Ludociel. I... *sigh* I made her upset and I kinda got angry at her and I don't even know how to make it up to her please just help me" damn it this is embarrassing asking for her help of all people.

The frightening glare she gave me made me flinch "what in the world have you done?! I swear if you have hurt her I'll end you-

" I haven't hurt her, I just lashed out after she got hurt fighting Ludociel, but she defeated him. I was so proud of her, however when I saw the injury on her wings I got so mad, except I wasn't angry at her, aside at Ludociel for doing that to her"

"Right, I understand, but maybe you should've been more gentle with her, but those emotions are new so I understand; even if you should manage them better... *sigh*.

Maybe to make it up to her you could give her a gift to show how sorry you are, plus that also shows how much you care about her and like her... or love her~ " I blushed at that, damn her

Coughing awkwardly, I thought about what to give her.\

I don't even know what she might like. What if she doesn't even forgive me and decides to never see me ever again. I mean I would deserve that if she hates me for ever and decides to never talk to me ever again-

" Zel.. you're thinking too much about it, don't worry too much. Just give her something that represents her and that she will love and something meaningful for you." I thought about what could be meaningful enough for her.

I gasped and realized what I could give her.

I backed away a little bit, I put my armored hands in front and started chanting a spell to gather my darkness to create the perfect gift for my cute little angel.

Wind started to pick up, tree leaves started falling down, Gelda shielded her face with one of her hands and with the other helped her hold her dress down. Once I was done I looked down at the gift I had created.

It was a dark necklace with a dark heart in the middle of the pendant and two transparent sorts of daggers piercing the heart. This necklace holds a special story and a special meaning to us demons. I smiled a little at the thought of giving this to her.

It's perfect for her

I showed it to gelda and she gasped, putting her hands in front of her month.

"This is-"

"Yeah" I looked down at the necklace and held it tighter.

"Yeah" I looked down at the necklace and held it tighter

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