Chloes pov

We have been driving for two hours "eyes spy with my little eyes something begging with k" i smile "kai" "kol" "i would of said M for you kai dumbass you got it kol" i smile "wait M" he whispers "yeah kais real name is malichai" i smile and kai sighs "niklaus is worse though" kol smiles and we laugh "who driving now" he says stopping "i will chloe will get in the front" kai smiles and i hop out "you can have a sleep now" i smile looking at kol tired and throw him a blanket and pillow "thankyou" he smiles and lies down and kai starts driving
And i put my head on his lap "oh chloe you know that's a bad idea" he smiles and i look up at him "no kai my uncle is in the car" i yell and he sticks his bottom lip out "lets go to a motel" he smiles and i nod

"Have a good sleep kol" i mumble and leave him in his room and i go to mine and kais to see kai lead on the bed naked "oh come on malichai cant we just sleep" i groan and he walks up to me "no" he smiles and kisses me and takes my dress off "no underwear at all naughty girl" he smiles and i chuckles and wrap my legs around his hip and kiss him

I wake up with sore legs "kai i dont think i can walk" i whisper and he laughs "i am very proud of myself but chloe" he whispers "what" i whisper back "i forgot to use protection and i did it three times" he whispers and i sit up "if i end up pregnant i will cry" i groan and sit up "are you not on birth control" he whispers "no" i yell and go to the bathroom "did you take a test" he smiles "no kai i dont have any" i mumble then quickly run to the toilet and he holds my hair back  "ugh i hate illness" i groan and wipe my mouth
"Chloe are you sure your not pregnant" he smiles cupping my face "im not sure but if i am would you be ready" i whisper and he picks me up and sits me on the sink "i will be happy having a child with you baby i just hope its not twins" he smiles and i put my head on his shoulder "what if i am what would you do" i mumble "i would haft to um kill them and the mother carrying the babies by law of gemini or they would haft to merge when there 21" he explains and i huff "what if they dont merge" i mumble "i dont know" he mumbles "fine" i smile and kiss him "so you wouldnt leave me if i was pregnant good to know" i smile "of course i wouldnt baby" he smiles and then kol knocks on the door and i answer it "ready to go home" he smiles and i nod and grab all my stuff and get changed

As we arrive i look at kol and kai talking and laughing and then i arrive to the bridge and see a wolf in the road then hit it by accident and brake quickly "its a full moon" i whisper and look at my ring and run to the wolf to see who it is and then i realise its hope "shit" i mumble and quickly make a ring and put it on her and she changes back. I throw my coat over her and pick her up "are you ok" i whisper and she nods "boys drive home i will take her home" i mumble and they drive off

We go to a restaurant and they give hope some clothes and a med kit and i bandage her up "hope you eat im going to the shop for something" i smile and she nods

I walk back in with a bag and pass her a chocolate bar "your favourite" i smile and she laughs "whats that in your bag" she whispers "nothing" i mumble and she grabs the bag "why is there a pregnancy test chlo" she whispers "hope i might be pregnant and im scared" i mumble "im basically your sister/cousin i will come with you and lets hope we get the right answer" she smiles and we walk to the bathroom

"Alright im done now we wait" i mumble and she hugs me "its ok" she mumbles and i smile "hope nothings ok my boyfriend killed my dad because mikeal compelled him to my mum died infront of me but i didnt care and the only family members i really have is you and kol" i mumble and she laughs "who is this boyfriend of yours anyway is he the lucky one who might be the one getting you pregnant" she smiles "i am dating a sociopath that killed his family including the babies he is apart of a gemini covern and if there are twins in the family he would kill them but he is as soft as a teddy bear with me and i love him and i think he loves me" i smile and she laughs "your inlove" she sings and looks at her phone "its time i will look and tell you" she smiles and turns around and gasps "well bad news is your pregnant the good news your pregnant" she smiles and my heart drops "w-what" i mumble and she grabs me and hugs me "its ok" she whispers and i look at her "i need to tell the family and kai" i explain and she nods "lets go tell the others" she smiles

"FAMILY MEETING" Me and hope yell and they all walk downstairs and i see my dad "DAD!" I cry then run and hug him "im so sorry mikeal he compelled kai and i would of stopped him" i cry and he storks my hair "its ok sweetie but i need to tell you i am sorry that i haven't been there for you" he mumbles and i nod "anywho can we all sit down chloe needs to tell you something" hope smiles and they all sit down "wait a minute the others are coming now" hope says and damon stefan elena bonnie kai caroline jo and ric walks in "im pregnant" i smile doing jazz hands as they sit down "what" kai whispers and runs to me then kisses me "nope" elijah says walking to me "your getting rid of it" he yells and i look at him with pure shock "no" i yell and he looks at me "what did you say mrs" he yells "i said no its my body i can do what i want with it" i yell and his vampire eyes show "i dont fear you" i mumble standing strait and hope stands next to me so does kai kol damon caroline bonnie stefan and jo "you too jo i thought you hated kai" elijah laughs "i do but i like chloe and i want to be an auntie" she smirks and i laugh "listen elijah i dont care if im apparently to young im fucking 145 years old i would like my memory back please" i smile and kol looks at me and gives my memory back

She had flashbacks of her and kathrine fighting in snow with stefan and damon when you was 16 and you was dating damon then you remember stefan and damon dying and you crying. Also there was you and kol getting along then elijah looking at me

"I DATED DAMON!" I yell and kol bursts out laughing "I was happy with my mum stefan and damon and oh god also i remember elijah telling me stories and rocking me to sleep when i was a baby and klaus telling me how to kill also kol and me building snowmen and playing and FIR FUCK SAKE WHO IS MY REAL DAD I SHOULD KNOW WHICH ONE IS MY DAD ITS GONE FROM FUCKING KLAUS TO FUCKING ELIJAH PLEASE TELL ME WHO MY DAD IS" I scream and they all sigh "chloe you was taken when you was younger by an enimi of your fathers and we told each other that klaus will raise you and kathrine will tell you that elijah was your dad we didnt think it would get this far" elijah says to me "your not my dad are you" i whisper "no" he whispers back "i am done with people lying to me" i yell "i am your dad chloe and i am so sorry i couldnt raise you but i watched you grow up and thats all i needed and they will come and get you if you was mine and i didnt want to loose you and i love you and i miss my little girl" kol cries with tears flying down his face and all the flashbacks of me and him came flooding back and i collapse and kai catches me "god this is worse than love Island" kai laughs holding me "wait so let me get this right chloe was born by kathrine and kol got kidnapped then they threatened her life if kol sent her away she would live so klaus took over then elijah took over and now the truth came out but kol you watched how bad they both treated your daughter and you didnt do anything" jo mumbles and he smiles "i did but i got staked for beating them up and yelling at them so i had to stop" he explains and she sits up "why am i getting so many flashback" i mumble and they laugh "what was it about" kai smiles "well ive got a faint memory of being 4 and me and kol was on a walk and i was on his shoulders and we just had an amazing day out and then i was kidnapped" i mumble and kol sighs "im sorry" he whispers "no you shouldn't be i remember you loosing your shit because i had a cut on my cheek and i was crying you was my hero" i explain and he smiles "wait so are you goung to call him dad or have you given up with that" ric smiles "are you my father and truth only" i say standing up to him "ofcourse i am" he smiles and i hug him "ive missed you dad" i whisper and he smiles "wait can we talk about the fact that chloe and damon dated" stefan yells "no thanks" i smile and sit on kais lap "wait chloe congrats on being pregnant" caroline smiles and i laugh "wait shit" kol mumbles "haha your going to be a grandfather" davina laughs "davina your married to my dad that may drag you down" i smile and she smiles "oh my god i claim to be your mother" she smiles "oh my god yess" i yell and kol laughs "kathrine is dead anyway" kai smiles and i laugh "wait really" damon smiles "LETS DRINK ON IT" Stefan cheers "well that hurts" i yell and he gasps "haha you cant drink i wi drink for you" kai smiles "hey you got me pregnant you can join my pain" i smile and he groans "dint worry i will drink for all if you" damon smiles "i would count on it" i smile and he picks up the bourbon and chugs it

Its been an hour and i am falling asleep in the couch and then kol sits next to me "hello sweetheart" he smiles and i sit up "are you drunk" i mumble "i dont know mum am i" he mumbles "ugh" i groan and he laughs "you know were drinking because of my mums death" i mumble and he hugs me "its ok" he smiles "alright bed time" i say helping him up "no its f-fine im not drunk" he smiles then trips over "sure your not" i smile and help him up the stairs "alright get in bed" i instruct and he falls down on the bed and he falls strait to sleep and i walk downstairs "kai home time" i smile and he sighs then i drive us home.

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