Tour of the ocean rescue center

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They walked into the ocean rescue Center and Sam and penny showed Jones there ocean rescue uniforms and gave one to Jones

Sam showed her how to put it on before Penny decided to time him, to see how fast he could change into his uniform

It took Sam 50 secounds and penny also 50 secounds

"Can I be timed?" I ask nicely

They nodded and told me as I put it on and it takes me 45 secs and they both look shocked as I put it away

"Had training," I start "Steele taught me"

"Of course he did" Sam said

And we then went on the obverastion deck and we looked out to see on all sides and angles to see if anyone was in danger and they weren't so back down we went

They showed me Titan and what Titan did and how it got water into the jets so the firefighters could put out a fire out at sea

Then juno was showed to me and Sam's pride and joy after Mercury and Jupiter

Dad told me how it worked and Mum told me how he risked his life on it once and I crossed my arms in a fashion which screamed "Sam"

"Your to much like me Jones" Sam said as we reached Neptune

"And due to your mum your famillar with Neptune" Sam said with a smile at penny

"Yep and Neptune is my fave vechile" I say with a smile

"Always has been" Sam said with a wink at penny

"Sometimes Wallaby 2 and the police helicopter will be here if their needed or visiting" Penny said "And Ben is also normally here but is on his annual leave today hence why he isn't here and he's the main driver of Titan, me Neptune and Sam juno"

"But hopefully I can take over as main driver of Neptune one day right mum?" I ask eagerly

"One day maybe Jones" Penny said as Sam excused himself so he could answer the phone

Sam went to answer the phone outside and saw the caller ID was from Cardiff which could only mean one thing. CARDIFF HQ, but why would they be calling now?

Sam sighed but answered it

Bold - HQ
Normal - Sam

"Sorry to bother you lead firefighter Sam Jones you and lead firefighter Penny Jones are needed in Cardiff urgently"
"Can I ask why?"
"No you can't but why ask?"
"We're with Fire Cadet Jones at the ocean rescue Center, but I'll call Firefighter Phillips to come look after her"
"Roger that, I suppose we'll be expecting you once Firefighter Phillips has arrived to look after Fire Cadet Jones"

The call ended and Sam walked in and told penny what was said before he crouched down to tell Jones and Penny called Ellie via radio

Penny: Hey Ellie your needed at the ocean rescue Center

Ellie: sure I can what's popped up?

Penny: me and Sam are apparently needed at Cardiff HQ and Jones wants to continue her tour of the Center and your the only one left abalone that can give her a tour so

Ellie: on my way, I'll be there soon

Penny: thanks El

Ellie: your welcome

"What's going on?" I ask "I thought we could"

"I know and I'm sorry HQ need me and your mother so Ellie is coming to look after you" Sam explained

"Ellie as in Els?" I ask

"Yes as in Els" Penny chuckled

Sam looked confused so me and Penny said "long story"

They waited with me to Ellie arrived and she soon did

My parents hugged and kissed my forehead before they left and I looked at Neptune then at Ellie

Hm I wonder

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