While watching Frozen, Maddison fell asleep with her head nuzzled against Anastasia's stomach. When the end credits began, Anastasia paused the movie and fell asleep.

 When the end credits began, Anastasia paused the movie and fell asleep

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Anastasia woke up by a ringing noise next to her head. She turned away from it and groaned. "Shut up." Her words were slurred from her sleepiness.

Maddison, who had been awake for a while, reached over her older sister to grab her phone, before turning it on and looking through it. "You got a text." She paused as she read it. "Whoa." The seven year old laughed. "This thing is in all-caps."

The phone began ringing again.

"Caroline's calling." Maddison sang. "Can I answer?"

"Mm. sure." Anastasia's voice became muffled as she pushed her face into a pillow.

"Ana's phone. Amazing little sister speaking." Maddison greeted with a cheery attitude and face.

"Maddie." Anastasia groaned.

Maddison rolled her eyes. "Ugh, fine. I'm handing you over to Ana. Bit of a warning, she's being mean."

Maddison threw Anastasia her phone before jumping on her older sister and hugging her.

Anastasia rolled over, so she was on her back, as she moved her phone to her ear. "Hey, Care." she greeted as she patted her little sister's head.

"'Hey Care' is that all you got?! Anastasia Penelope Smokes! Today was the first day of school and you were sick?!" Caroline screeched from the other side of the line.

Antstasia sighed. "I'm sorry, Care. Maddie wasn't feeling good, and the little bench guilt tripped me."

Caroline gasped. "On no! Is she ok? What happened? You know what- nevermind. I'm coming over, you can explain to me then!"

"No Care. You do-" Anastasia paused as she heard the dial tone, before taking her phone away from her ear and looking at it. "She hung up on me."

"That's your fault." Maddison giggled. "You told her I was sick. Stupid move."

Anastasia stared at her sister for a moment before throwing her head back with a groan. "More TV?"


20 minutes later

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20 minutes later. Caroline came running through the door with two bags of groceries. She dropped them on the floor before putting her hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath.

"I got some soup and chocolate." The blonde spoke in between gasps as her breaths slowly became more regular.

"You have two bags, Care." Anastasia pointed out.

Caroline looked down at the bags before looking up at the sisters with a smile. "Oh! I also brought sleepover essentials."

An identical was brought to Anastasia's face as she jumped up from the couch and ran towards her best friend to look at the bags. "You bought a blanket?"

"It's fluffy!" Caroline justified.

"Okay." The brunette nodded. "I guess we're adding it to my ever growing blanket collection."

After taking out the fluffy blanket and setting it on the couch, Anastasia turned towards the blonde. "Come on. I'll make some hot chocolate."

"Ooh yay!"

The two teens walked to the kitchen and Caroline began raiding it's contents while Anastasia made the drinks.

"Okay. We have some barbecue chips, chocolate pudding, and popcorn." the blonde announced.

"Great." Anastasia replied as she took the third cup of hot chocolate out of the microwave. "Let's head back to the living room."

The duo took their snacks and hot chocolate into the leaving room, being greeted by the sight of Maddison sitting on the floor, in front of the bags Caroline bought, with chocolate smudges around her mouth.

Maddison looked up like a deer in headlights as the older girl entered. "Hey." She flashed them an innocent smile before jumping up and hopping on the couch, snuggling in the new fluffy blanket.

Anastasia set the three mugs down on a side table before snuggling under the covers with her sister, taking a bite out of the chocolate bar the younger girl had hidden under the blanket.

The blonde followed her best friend, setting down all of the snacks on the couch before sitting down on the other side of Maddison and grabbing a remote. "What do you want to watch?"

The three girls all looked at each other before wide grins spread on their faces and the three of them all exclaimed. "Beetlejuice."

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