Chapter 1

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"Hey babe" came a voice echoing down the halls of mckinly. Just as i turn to look at the person i feel their arms wrap themselves around my neck, squeezing me ever so slightly into a hug. I try not to sound uninterested, as i wrap my own arms around my girlfriend.

"hey Quinn" it comes out all tired as i say those words. Im not trying to be this way, its just i never seem to be able to feel the same amount of energy as Quinn does. She's always so happy, a smile covering her face. Perfect white teeth, almost sparkiling under the lights that shine down on us.

As she smiles at me, i see a glint in her eyes. I know what she wants from me, its pretty obvious. And with the whole school basically always watching us. Keeping there eyes on the "It-Couple", The Cheerleader and the Jock. Isnt that Sterotypical or what? I sigh internally, and press my lips onto hers. Its only for a quick second. Just a peck on this lips, its nothing special or spectacular, but its enough to keep everyone happy. Well almost everyone.

But atleast it keeps Quinn Happy. Thats all that should matter really.

suddenly, a sharp noise rings throughout the halls. The bell. I say a quick goodbye to Quinn, as she makes her way over too her friends, and i start to make my way to my first class.
'English Literature'

I walk into the class, keeping my eyes low as i make the familiar walk to my seat in the back left corner. As soon as im sat in my seat, the Teacher, Mr Scott, Claps his hands to get everyones attention. Hes a relativly small man. Looks to be in his mid 50's to early 60's. Hes one of those Teachers that everyone seems to love, even if they havent had him.

I kinda drown out on what he was saying, too busy trying not to fall asleep from the lack of sleep i had, when suddenly a boy walks - no saunters- into the classroom. He stands by Mr Scott eyes looking down at his feet. This must be the new student everyone was going on about earlier this morning. Mr. Scott introduces him as 'Kurt Hummel'
As his name is said, he looks up, and for a split second, our eyes meet. For some reason a blush slowly rises on my face, as the boy - kurt - looks aways. I take a few seconds to collect myself when suddenly, the emtpy chair next to me, is now occupide with Kurt.

i quickly calm myself as i turn towards him, sticking out my hand, and Plastering a smile on my face. "my names blaine" His pale hand reaches out, and he carefully places his own hand in mine. "Kurt" he breaths out, a small smile on his face, matching the one on mine.

The feeling of... Something, i dont quite know, settles im my stomache, not letting me focus on the task at hand. Its a strange feeling. But definatly not a bad one, i think as a take a quick glance at the boy beside me.

its been a week. A whole entire week since i first interacted with kurt. Its been a week, and i still feel those stupid feelings in my stomache every time i catch his eyes in the hall way, everytime i see him walking into the caffeteria. He sits with those glee kids. The new directions. I heard that he audition on his second day here, and literally blew everyone away with his voice. I get the daily glee gossip from my girlfriend. Shes also in glee club. Which when i first found out, honestly suprised me. But hey, shes a great singer so thats all that counts.

The only time me and kurt talk, is when we are in English Literature. We actually get on pretty well, hes a really great and funny guy. but sometimes, i find myself staring at him for a few seconds too long. My face blushing for whatever reason. Like right now, we are currently sat next to each other, listening to what ever Mr. Scott is talking about today - oh yeah, we are learning about To Kill A Mocking Bird - When i go to grab the book we are sharing, our hands meet. And in those few moment where our skin was touching, i swear i felt something run through my body, lighting me up fron the inside, filling my stomache with that same feeling i have yet to figure out.

I look into his piercing blue eyes, to see him staring back at me. I suddenly forget how to breath. Any form of communication has left my body. Luckily, kurt knows what to do as he slowly takes his hand away from mine and grabs the book, flipping to the correct page.

i fianlly come back to reality, as Mr. Scott tells us about our new assignment.

"okay class, for this weeks assingment its going to be about interpretation. I would like you to go off in the pairs you are in now, and come up with any interpretations you have. What can you infer from what the writer has written. This assingment will be due in next monday. Make sure to get it done." As he finishes of what he was saying, the bell rings, signalling the end of class.

As im packing away my stuff i feel a hand grab my shoulder. I look up to find kurt staring at me. "My house or yours?" he says.

"um what?"

"for the assignment. Do we want to study at my house or yours?"

oh. Of course thats what he ment. What else would he mean."um my house is fine." i fianlly say standing up  and slowly making my way out of class. Kurt walking beside me aswell.

"Here have my number" he places his phone in mine."that way it will be easier to talk outside of school"

"yeah okay" i quickly fumble, trying to grab my phone out of my pocket. I hand it over to kurt, then procced to type my number into his contacts.

"well then, shall we get started? I can come round yours say about 5?" I nod my head, feeling weirdly excited about this."great" he says slowly walking backwards"make sure to message me your adress" and with that, he was gone.

i look down at my phone, a stupid smile playing at my lips. I quicky type in my adress.

- 16, grover road. Blaine:)
-see you soon then blaine. kurt:)

Seeing the smiley face once again filled me with this strange feeling. It wasnt unpleasant. But was very confusing. And with that i make my way out of school excited, and wishing 5 o'clock could come quicker.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2021 ⏰

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