Chapter 21: First Night

Start from the beginning

I followed them down a huge flight of stairs underneath the palace. I found my way into a reception like room. I met the Icewing guards, returning upstairs. Letting them pass, I continued forward. Another Fifth circle guard was stationed at the entrance of a long corridor, but I snuck past him no problem. A no longer camouflaged Grace was in the cell furthest and deepest down. Encased in shimmering and reflective ice. Like I was in a funhouse hall of mirrors.
"Marvin!" She whispered.
"Grace." I exclaimed. Slipping through the rungs, to be grabbed up by her. Grace held me close to her chest, encasing me in warmth. But... I felt the warmth on my outside, but none made it inside. My chest, my inner layer, was still as cool as the ice surrounding me.
"I'm... glad you're okay." I had no tears for her.
"Why did you come after me?" I scolded her while we parted. "You got yourself captured. What for?"
Grace sniffed, nuzzling me with her chained shut snout.
"I couldn't let you go. You're... my family. I'm like you. It's all about family. Right?"
Everything convulsed. My entire body was dunked into arctic water. Grace held me closer.
"You're okay. I know how it feels. You're okay Marvin. You're okay."
I pushed myself away from her.
"This was my decision! Not yours! I told you to stay, I told you to help Kinkajou. She needs you."
"No." Grace stopped me. "Kinkajou lives. She always lives. It's you who is in danger."
I stopped dead in my tracks. Gritting my teeth, turning away.
"You say that. And yet you don't tell me."
Grace hung her head. "I know. But... believe me, if I tell you. It's all but guaranteed. You have to understand."
"I understand fully."
I stepped for the bars, when a wave of fear met me.
I stopped, looking back to a shivering Grace. She was terrified.
"Grace. What's wrong?"
She closed her eyes, gripping her temples.
"The person in charge. He's here." Her face contorted, her migraine seeping through our link. "They're... talking about me. About... reclaiming their gift."
Her eyes shot open. "Marvin..." She began hyperventilating, I saw the terror drift onto her face. "They're... they're gonna come down. The princes, they're..."
I saw what she was thinking. Her voice quavering, shaking, on the verge of tears.
"Are... are they going to rape me?"

I froze. Something snapped in my ears. Then I started to shake my head. I shook my head vigorously.
"No. No-no-no-no-no, that's not going to happen. I'm not going to let that happen. That's not going to happen. I'm not going to let that happen. That's not going to happen Grace. I won't let it. I won't."
"Marvin! Wait!"
Suddenly, there was a commotion. Icewings started running down the corridor.
"Watch her. She's an animus."
Shit! Make me invisible!
"There's someone here! Search everywhere! Don't leave a single corner unchecked!"
I started for the entrance.
Marvin! Wait!
I'll get you out. I'll be back. You'll be safe.
I-I know. But- you're still in danger. The prophecy-
I'll be fine. I'm coming back for you.
I ran up the stairs, emerging to so many pounding legs and swinging, spiky, tails. This was worse than Kasserine. Everything around me exploded. Snow dust, trampled under claws, hung in the air, making it harder to breathe. I kept moving forward, running as fast as I could.
I came upon the gate. Tall, and made of solid ice. I dug out my entrenching tool, unfolding the pick axe. I gripped my bayonet in the other hand, digging them both into the crystal, blue ice. They were sharp enough to stick nicely, although they wouldn't stay in for very long. I tried my weight, but my arms weren't strong enough to lift me anymore. Not even with adrenaline.
Well shit.
Instead, I started chewing through the ice with the pick. I drug away the snow that gathered around the hole.
Wait. I can dig under.
Digging swiftly. I carved a small tunnel a yay deep, underneath the ice. I Él Chapoed my way underneath. Emerging on the other side, as I heard a commotion form on the other side of the gate. The deep thumping of wingbeats. I took off.
I ran.
Trudging as fast as I could through the soft snow. I constantly tripped over the fluff, but I kept running. I ran until the sounds of wingbeats faded out underneath my breath. I ran until the final minds disappeared.
I ran until I fell down into the snow... and stayed there.

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