Chapter 7

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The tune Emilia was humming while she was walking down the stairs dies in her throat when she sees the mess in the living room. "What the fuck" she mumbles, picking up a few plastic cups that were thrown around the room. She looks around the open space, shaking her head when she realises that both Lando and Max are still asleep. "It's almost 12, why aren't they up yet" she mutters, walking towards the kitchen to find something edible to eat. 30 minutes later she's eating freshly baked pancakes while scrolling through social media, smiling when she sees a few pictures posted by Max and Lando's friends. "Morning Emmie" a hoarse voice says, and she looks up to see a very tired Max standing in the living room. "Hey Maxie, you good?" she asks, giggling when he shakes his head while closing his eyes. "No, I want to sleep more but I can't. What are you eating, can I have some?" he asks while walking towards Emilia.

"I made pancakes for myself, but I saved some batter for you and Lando" she says, looking up when another person comes into view. A blush covers her cheeks when she looks at him, the scent of his shower gel filling her nostrils when he walks past her, accidently brushing her shoulder. "I can make them for you two" she says while clearing her plate and utensils, humming when Lando says that he can do it. She takes a seat at the table while the guys make their pancakes before they join her, happily eating while they plan the tasks for who cleans what. "Me and Emilia can clean up inside if you can take the garden and hallways?" Lando asks Max, avoiding his friends eyes who look at him like 'what.' Emilia looks around the room, suggesting that she can clean the kitchen if Lando or Max can do the lights that they hung up. "Yeah, Lando can do the lights. If he fucks up his ceiling with ripping them off too much it's not my fault, seems like a better option to me" Max says, chuckling when Lando rolls his eyes at him. "I'll clear up the garden and hallways. What do we have left then?" Max asks, humming when they name a few more things that need to be done.

Soon the three of them are rummaging through the house, filled trash bags taking up a corner in the living room while they blast Emilia's cleaning up playlist. She sings along to the song that's on, moving her hips along the beat while she stands on a chair to take the light strip off. Two warm hands on her hips startle her, and she lets out a yelp when the chair moves under her. "Steady Em, it's just me" Lando says, chuckling when she looks down on him with a blush covering her cheeks. "Let me take the lights off" he continues, holding his hands out for her to take so she can get down from the chair. "But I can do it" she replies, looking at him with raised eyebrows. "I know you can, but I don't like seeing you wobbling on that chair. I think Max actually almost broke that one once when he stood on it" Lando tells her, squeezing her hip slightly when she huffs. "Just hold it for me then" she mumbles stubbornly, smiling when Lando lets out a sigh before he takes a hold of the back of the chair. "Alright, take the lights down then love" he says, whispering the nickname with a blush on his cheeks.

When the lights are all down Emilia leaves Lando to it, deciding that she will tackle the bathroom since the guys are still rock paper and scissoring who should do it. "Emmie no, Lando will do it!" Max yells, a smack with a laugh followed afterwards before she hears the stomping of feet through the living room, Max probably following Lando to smack him back. She lets out a sigh with the shake of her head, putting a pair of cleaning gloves on before she gets to work. Luckily it wasn't that nasty, so she didn't really mind cleaning it up. A knock on the door takes her from her thoughts, and she blinks a few times when Lando is leaning against the doorframe with his hands in the pockets of his grey sweats. "You doing alright here?" he asks her, humming when she nods. He doesn't leave after that, deciding that it is apparently way more fun to watch her clean. "Are you going to help or are you just enjoying the view?" she asks, raising an eyebrow when he chuckles lowly. "Trust me, I very much am enjoying the view of you on your knees" he mumbles, blushing furiously when Emilia stares at him with wide eyes. "B-but I am going to help, yes" he stammers, walking into the room to help her out.

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