Chapter 5

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Emilia lets out a laugh when Max tries to get a fast lap in on the sim but ruins it because he is distracted by her. "Will you stop making those neeyaw noises when I try and get a fast lap in? This way I won't start on pole" he grumbles, furrowing his brows at her when she lets out a giggle. "But it's fun to see you fuck up constantly. I'm bored anyways, when are we going to do a multiplayer game? You said come over and game, not come over and watch me be a loser" she tells him, running away when he jumps out of his chair to smack her. Their laughter fills the house while they run around, ending in giggles when Emilia lets herself fall down on the couch. Max falls down on the other side of the couch, letting out a sigh when he caught his breath again. "But seriously, what do you want to do then?" he asks her, leaning on one of his elbows to look at her.

"I don't know. Mario Kart?" she suggests, looking up when Lando walks into the living room. "Hey man" Max says, putting his hand up as a greeting. Lando hums while he looks at Max before his eyes move towards Emilia's body on the couch. "Hi Lando" she says softly, smiling when he says hi back. Feeling like he might finally be done with being distant with her she asks him if he wants to play Mario Kart with her and Max. "No" he answers, walking towards the kitchen to grab something from the fridge before walking out of the room without looking at her or Max. "I thought that he might be in a better mood" Emilia says to Max, fiddling with her rings when he shrugs his shoulders. "I really don't know what he has Emmie. Do you want to go out? Let's go to the city centre and see if we can find something fun to do" he says, smiling when he sees the sadness vanish slightly when she nods.

Emilia's mood is significantly better when she and Max go back to Lando and Max' place after spending the last few hours in the city centre. They had some lunch, shopped a little, and found a fun mini golf course that they spend 3 hours at. "Let's order dinner and have a movie night" Max says, humming when Emilia tells him that she only wants to do that if they're going to watch a fun movie. "I always watch fun movies, so not sure why you feel the need to say that" he tells her, laughing when she starts naming all the shitty movies he picked out over the course of their friendship. "Okay, okay, we get it. I suck. You pick something for today then" he tells her, opening the door and greeting Lando who's in the kitchen. "You want to join us for dinner and a movie night?" he asks, smiling when Lando nods slowly. "Okay, I can't stay up until late though. Got to be at the factory tomorrow morning" he says, nodding when Max says that Emilia has to go home slightly on time anyways.

A silence fills the room when their food is put on the coffee table by Emilia, the boys already taking their spots on the couch to watch a movie. "What do you want to watch Emmie?" Max asks, turning around on the couch to look at his best friend. "Something cute but not too mushy" she answers, humming when Max names a few titles. He pauses the movie she hummed the loudest at when it's on the screen, chatting with Lando while Emilia grabs something to drink for herself before she walks towards the couch. She sits down in the middle of them, her heart clenching when Lando shifts away from her a little. She's about to say that she'll sit somewhere else when Max starts the movie, handing her the plate with food before smiling at her. "Enjoy your dindins mate" he tells her, chuckling when she rolls her eyes at him.

Halfway through the movie they take a bathroom and clean up break, and Emilia is back on the couch as the first one. Max joins her a little later, flopping down before scrolling through social media. She waits until Lando comes back, swallowing when he sits down on the couch next to her. The scent of his cologne reaches her nostrils, and a blush appears on her cheeks when she realises that she wants to bury her face against his collarbone because of how good he smells. He is sitting closer to her as well, and it makes her heart beat a little faster when his body heat seems to warm her up. She starts the movie again, trying to focus on the screen instead of on the very handsome guy next to her who appears to hate her. Max' soft snores are heard a few minutes later, and Emilia smiles at the sight of her friend before looking at the screen again.

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