chapter 9

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The two of you had got far into the maze and had passed the blocked door. Now you two were in a place where everything was white.

A corridor leading to somewhere. There was a door on the left after a long moment of walking. Huggy had his guard up and you wondered why.
You got his attention to ask him what was wrong again. He looks at you and sighs. "It's... My sister. I know she is not far from here. She is worse than me when it happens to be controlled by poppy. I just hope that right now she won't be after us." He explained that as he glared at the dark spot in front of them.

"What do you mean by that?" You signed curiously. He kneels down to be more to your eye level. "I mean that she can act nice but she actually has a twisted side. She can keep you to herself like you were a prize and if you do something that does not please her. She killed you." He explained more than he could for you to understand.

You gulp and nod understanding that. You look at the door and take the knob to twist to open the way. Inside there was an empty office. There was of course a desk with a chair and some shelves with a small library stand. But there really is no stuff in stock.

The door was slapped close behind them once they got inside. Banging from outside the door suddenly came. Someone was after them. Huggy held in the door while you try to find a way for the two of you to flee. You check on the desk, the shelf and then the small library. Somehow a click noise came when you pressed a certain part on the small library. It slowly opened and showed a staircase behind it.

You wave a hand to Huggy to come along and run down the stairs. Your tall friend followed you and the library closed itself. Just then a burst noise came and stuff being destroyed was heard. You look behind you feeling the adrenaline still kick in you.

Huggy catches up to you and even stops you from tripping and falling on the last stairs that seem to be now cut off to an empty space. "Calm down. We are safe here. I don't want you to die now." He whispered to you as he put you safely down on a solid surface. You took a deep breath and realized you indeed almost died by a dangerous fall. In front of you the second pair of stairs was half cut off and the rest was pitch darkness. He gripped on your shirt and you fell on your knees. What happened to those stairs missing?

You rub your face a lot before you regain your composure. You stood back up and looked at Huggy who seemed to stare at where they just left.

You then look around and notice a door standing next to you two. This opening seems to be for the elevator because there was even a button to press to call it. By curiosity you pressed that button. The sound of something that was moving up to you two could be heard.

Huggy looks at you then at the elevator door. He growled a little but not for long after a roar came from upstairs. Something was now banging at the small library shelf that was hiding them from the mad creature. You start to panic as you stay close to the elevator door.

Your blue fluffy friend stands in front of you to protect you in case it was a mad toy that we're here to kill you.
You hoped it was not that as you keep pressing on the call button for the elevator.

Just then... Something pink burst the shelf into a lot of pieces with books flying around and away. Here she was. Kissy missy, ready to come at them and kill the two for betraying the doll that was the leader of this place.

You were a lot terrified from how she looks. She was a bit small in height with Huggy, but she had long nails that could cut you and very long sharp teeth. Was this really the Kissy missy you once saw on the poster? She looks horrible and scary...

'A tight squeeze'(Huggy wuggy x Mute!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now