| The Boy |

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| *Setting* Your trudging through a woods at midnight wearing a Black cardigan and a black shirt with bare feet and white shorts. |
Y/N: 12/13
Mono: 13
'Oh for god sake!'
I curse , i quickened my pace as i passed a giant lake.

'There has to be something that can take me back to Tokyo!'
I said aloud. I stared up to see a boy sitting atop a tree , i squinted trying to make out his shape.

I glanced around before digging my nails into the bark, wincing i grabbed the next branch , realising how high i was i hung onto the trunk while stretching out my leg to the second branch. Slowly but surely i scaled up the tree,nearly missing a few startled birds and their chicks.

'Hey! You!'

I called to the boy, now he was only a metre away from me i could make out his features much more clearly. He wore a dark brown trench coat with lighter shades of brown for his trousers(pants) and shirt , i looked up from his clothes and saw a brown paper bag covering his face.
The boy snapped his head towards me. He lifted his hands near   his face and backed further down the branch away from me.
'Don't worry, I'm friend'
He warily dropped his hands to his side.
'R-really?' He stammered
I nod
'Come down . Its not safe here'
He dipped his head to the ground before nodding shakily. I scaled down the tree with the boy.

Once we reached the bottom i asked
'So whats your name? Mines Y/N (your name)'
He shrugged
'Well since i found you alone, your name can be mono!' I say,

We walked across the woods before hearing the busy. Sounds of Japans busy city, i smiled and raced towards the sounds.

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