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Even though I had been trained my whole life to eventually marry and join the houses of whatever planet my family deemed a suitable alliance, the news of my arranged marriage to Paul Atreides still struck an anger in me that i did not know i could possess, i was 17 on my way to the planet of Caladan, I had been told this very morning about my parents plans for me to marry the dukes son and then spent the last two hours being tended to by the maids to ensure i looked my best for my meeting with the duke and his family. From what i had heard was the duke was a kind man who was fair and just and that his wife was beautiful, there were whispers though that the lady Jessica walked with the shadows and was apart of the bene gesserit, but that's all they were whispers, i didn't know much about Paul, which is what angered me most about the whole arrangement i was being given to a boy i had never met, who could treat me poorly and i could be condemned to a life of misery.

I sat next to my mother anxiously picking at my nails, the journey seemed to be taking a lot longer then i wanted it to and the prolonged silence of my family made fear bubble in my stomach "mother how long until we reach Caladan ?" i asked desperate for her voice to relieve the anxious tension that clearly lingered in the aircraft.

"I'm not sure Arya but when we get there make sure you make an effort to impress the duke and his wife, if they do not like you there will be no marriage"

"and what if i don't want to marry Paul" I said looking at my hands afraid to face the wrath of my mothers anger, but to my surprise she lifted my chin and said "i love you but you must do this for the future of our planet, the Atreides family is highly respected by the emperor and marrying the heir is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

i felt the anger shoot through me and i snapped and said "so you and father are selling me to the highest bidder to benefit you", my mother looked taken back for a moment and a flash of guilt moved across her face before she turned back to the cold emotionless statue i had come to know and said "it is what must be done"

i huffed in annoyance before my father opened the door separating the area where he was sitting with the pilot and where me and my mother where sitting in the area only for our family, and said "we are landing now" and he went to turn back around before he looked over his shoulder at me and said "on your best behaviour Arya i mean it, this is what you have been trained for since you were 3 years old do not let down our planet."

"I will not, i promise" my eyes down casted to the floor.

A moment past before my father kneeled in front of me and said, "you look beautiful Arya, you have truly become a women and they will be lucky to have you in their family."

i smiled fondly at my father and i suddenly felt bad for my sudden outburst i knew our planet was struggling and an alliance with the Atreides house would bring riches back to our planet and improve the standard of life for our people. I will not force myself to love Paul but i will do what is necessary for my family i thought to myself, a new sense of purpose implemented into my brain.

I stood abruptly and began walking through the long corridor of the ship to the servants area, i walked in and all eyes turned to me in a confusion not sure why i was there and not with my family. I locked eyes with my hand maids who all immediately scurried over to me ready to assist me, i smiled fondly at them before saying, "it's ok girls, really relax i was just looking for Isla have you seen her?"

"she is in the back room i think" Katie one of the hand maidens said

i hugged them all and thanked them before leaving and making my way to the back room.

i was in for a shock when i walked in. Isla who was one of my handmaidens and Joel who was my protector were both topless up against a wall with their tongues down each others throats, my eyes went wide and i couldn't help but burst out laughing, which caused them both to jolt apart looking completely caught like they were a child caught stealing sweets in the dead of night.

"i knew it" i said in between laughs "i said this was going to happen but no you guys insisted it was not true."

Isla's face had gone red but she also burst out laughing, "you will not tell anyone will you she said suddenly becoming worried."

"Isla i have known you since i was 5 you are my best friend of course i will not, i want you to be happy and if that is with this grumpy guts than why not" i smirked amused at the situation, i waited for her to get dressed before pulling her through the many corridors of the ship before stopping at the front preparing to leave to meet the Atreides family.

"We have much to discuss later i smiled but for now i need your support i'm extremely nervous, in a matter of minutes i am meeting my future husband."

"You are beautiful Arya i am sure they will love you"

"Thank you Isla" i took a deep breath before walking over to my mother and father who were waiting for me to stand behind them while our troops and mine and my mother hand maidens lined up behind us, Isla gave me a reassuring glance before we all walked down from the ramp and down the walk way. The family stood tall and regal at the other end, awaiting our arrival, with each step the more i felt sick i could feel their eyes analysing everything about me from the way i looked to the way i carried myself, my family was relying that this meeting go well so i held my head high and walked with confidence and hid the fact i was scared, i was terrified of the outcome, but no-one else new that.

as we stood in front of the family i was soon to be apart of i locked eyes with Paul, he did not look as I expected, his face was sharp and sculpted and he had dark curly hair that came down just above his shoulders, and he had green piercing eyes that were locked on me, his face held no emotion, but then again neither did mine...

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