Ch 2: Helpful flash backs

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It was Thursday at the school and every thing seemed to be going good, though the pack still didn't know anything really about Viarrah, Lydia thought that they were close to finding out though.  

Corey, Mason and Malia were in the library because of class when they noticed that Viarrah was there too. In one final effort to learn more about her..

Corey "no, why can't you do it?"

Malia "because she figured me out, go talk to her"

Corey "but i.."

Mason "i could do it instead"

Malia "then do it"

Mason got up from the table and walked away to a corner with a small window that had diamond shaped pains with a slight yellow ting, and there was alot of dust here too, this is because this area is greatly shunned by people as someone died here; according to school folk tales. And this is where he found Viarrah.

So she likes the darkness, thats good to know.. i hope.

Mason "uh, hi"

Viarrah "what do you want?"

Mason "i just want to talk, school can be really hard especially in this town but-"

She slammed her book closed and looked at him with cold, vicious eyes. They were a deep purple vained with black. Under the gase of those eyes, he felt as though he was walking on rotten ice with an abyss to either side.

Viarrah "school is the least of my priorities"

Mason "uh, my friends think that maybe you--"

Viarrah "i'll be stopping you there. I'm not oblivious and i'm not deaf either. What i em is a need to know bases and you dont need to know, your friends dont need to know, any one other then me doesn't. need. to. know"

She walked off taking her stuff with her. After a few moments i went back to Corey and Malia.

Malia "that didn't go so well"

Mason "clearly"

Corey "maybe we should stop trying, and let her choose if she wants to be friends with us"

Malia "its a good idea but i dont see that happening"

Mason "about time!"

Librarian "shh!"

Mason "i'v been trying to tell you guys, 'we should just leave her alone'  but none of you hav listened".  I say i a quieter voice so the librarian doesn't shh me again.

Corey "sorry Mason"

Malia "me too but Scott's the alpha, we hav to listen to him" .  Mason then sat back in his chair.

Mason ".. Lydia's right though, Viarrah knows about the supernatural"

Corey  "then that would mean she has a pretty good idea of what some of us are"

The 3 shared worried looks as no one knew her motives yet.

Meanwhile with Viarrah.

I was walking down the hall to go to my locker when someone grabbed my hand and pulled me into a room. Turning around..

Viarrah "what the hell is your problem!" I shouted, then i realized who he was because of claw marks on his cheek and that he was holding a thermal cut wire, and a dagger that had some type of substance on it. 

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