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Kokichi sat in his room, shaking and sobbing violently curled up into his own little defensive space, where the bad thoughts, the gentle couldn't get to him. He felt weak, it's been years, and yet he still panicked whenever someone says gentle. But it's not his fault, why would he blame himself for his father's selfish, greedy actions? He does think he's slowly recovering, at first he would panic straight away, have a mental breakdown on the floor as he pleaded for anything other than gentle, now he is able to get to his room before he cries and cries for forgiveness and not gentle. He remembered the many times they were gentle with him. He knew what gentle meant now, but what if someone uses gentle that way again?

He'd be defenseless, just as he was back then, sure he was the fighter for the Warriors of Hope, but what use did he have for that title if he couldn't even protect himself when he needed it most? Slowly the sobs became quieter and he wasn't shaking anymore, tears still slipped passed his eyes and he still was terrified, but he had calmed down much faster than last time. He slowly got up, wiping his tearstained face as he walked over to the bathroom, he bent down and began running the bath water, than letting his hand hover over the tab for a moment before he sat up and walked away, he then turned on the sink, resting his hands under the cool water as he focused on the face staring back at him in the foggy mirror. His face was shining because of his earlier sobbing fit, his cheeks were red and puffy and snot ran down from his nose, his eyes were still filled with his unshed tears.

Kokichi pulled his hands away from the rushing water and flicked his hands to make them less wet, he than rubbed his cheeks to get rid of the tear stains, snot, and red puffiness. Instead of a rag or cloth, he used a paper towel to dry his face so he didn't make it worse than it already was. He sighed, he wanted to make it up to Gonta and apologize for leaving him so abruptly during their conversation of Gonta wanting to become a gentleman. Kokichi began shaking a bit again, he knew Gonta would never do anything like that, but what if he did, or someone else did. He began to undress as he shook, a bath would calm him down, once he was fully undressed he went and relaxed in the warm water, trying to clear his thoughts of anything related to the word gentle.


Short Chapter! I usually try to make chapters for stuff atleast 1,000 words but this is only 449 words.

I-I D-don't Wan-want Ge-gentle...!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora