"Okay." I looked at him and sighed— the things I'd do to keep an illusion up. "Just tell me what you need and how to get it."

"No, you stay here." Magnus points at me and I shot him a look. "Well, from what I've gathered from bits and pieces is that you went one on one with an alpha and practically won before Luke jumped in. If we run out of time and he transforms— I trust you to keep us alive."

"You trust me, the prodigy of Valentine Morgenstern and not your sparky hands?" I exaggerated while placing my free hand onto my waist and leaned my weight on one leg. "Bad idea, don't you think?"

"You saved my life." Magnus' eyes were glued to mine and he paused for just a moment. "And you protected Zoe. That's good enough for me."

I blankly stared at him.

"I'll go." Simon offered suddenly.

Jace then walked into the room, blood dripping from his nose. "I'll go."

Magnus walked over to him and examined his face before tossing him a box of tissues. "Jace, what happened to you?"

"We left you for five minutes." I held up my hand. "Five."

"Luke's car may have found its way into a pole while I was stashing it." Jace shrugged lightly and wiped the blood dripping from his nose. "I don't do mundane driving."

I eye him with an amused look at his appearance. "Yeah, apparently."

Jace waves me off easily and looked at Magnus. "What do you need for the antidote?"

"Hey, I got this." Simon argued.

"Phoenix eyes, moon salt, and Idris fulgurite." Magnus brought out of a pot and set it on the table, tossing a few things into the mixture.

Simon made a beeline for the door of Magnus' apartment. "One trip to the pharmacy, it'll take two seconds."

"I know a guy." Jace grabbed his arm to stop him. "And, uh— I don't need him."

"Too bad, you're getting me." Simon seethed at him. "We'll be right back."

"You can't even get those things at a pharmacy." I blinked and then looked away in thought. "Oh my god, can you? Like actually? Am I missing out on some trippy stuff?"

"You can't." Magnus eased my conscious and then looked at Jace. "One more thing— I need your tall friend. What was his name? Alec."

"What?" My head snapped toward him and my face twisted into a sour look. "Why do you need him? Let him go please Mommy and Daddy like the little kiss ass he is—"

Something gleamed in Magnus' eyes at my reaction and he just shrugged, making up an excuse. "Virgin Shadowhunter energy."

"I knew it!" I dropped my jacket on a chair and clapped my hands together once. "That explains so much. Can you seriously tell he's a virgin by like— magic? Because I need this written on paper so I have evidence for when I shove it in his face later for straight up lying to my face."

"He's not." Jace sighed and shook his head at us. "Anyway, yeah— I can't."

"Jace, just ask, please." Clary finally spoke and stood straight. "You guys need to talk."


"So," I began, watching Magnus as he poured a few things into the cauldron he was making the antidote for Luke in. "What's all this for if you don't have all the ingredients?"

"It's the base for the potion— stir." Magnus handed it over to me and walked over to a cabinet, opening it up. He reached in and grabbed a few more tiny bottles. "We need to have it ready before your boy toys get back."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2022 ⏰

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