Ch3: Journey Down

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- Riveria POV -

Currently, we are on the middle floors. And (Y/N) has been quite the phenomenon. He has showed prowess above what his Status says. Speaking of which.


He chops an large monster's neck in a specific area in which the monster becomes briefly paralyzed. He then spins around the neck, launches his other hand upward, stabbing its brain through the chin with his dirk.

Oh yeah. They weapons he ordered were... unusual. He got two dirks, or "dagger-rapiers" Tiona likes to say, and a whip. He has somehow been proficient with both, keeping up with his seniors. His dexterity with them is way above what his Status tells.

"Heads Up!" (Y/N) yells, he used his whip to grab the leg of some monster, causing it to fall and leaves it vulnerable.

"HYAAA!" Tiona battle cries, then butchers said monster. "Thanks, Kuro."

"Your welcome. Why is that nickname starting to stick?" He says back.

I look at Finn who is walking next to me, he looks back. Neither of us sensed any monsters for quite a distance.

"Finn, what do you think of (Y/N) so far." I ask him in a low voice.

"He has definitely showed skills and abilities above what we expected. Probably linked to his unknown skill." Finn replies back in a whisper.

"We should continue observing him."


>>> Timeskip >>>

"ORYAYAYAAA!!" (Y/N) shouts while unleashing a barrage of stabs with his dirks onto a minotaur's face, not doing any actually damage, but to stagger it. Aiz comes up from behind and cleanly kills the minotaur.

Aiz puts her weapons away. "That should be the rest of them." We continue on our way.

"Hey Kuro. Can you tell us about your Skills. I forgot to ask that earlier." Tiona asks (Y/N).


"Why not?! The rest of the First-class have been curious as well!" Tiona says.

(Y/N) looks at the rest of us while pointing at Tiona. "Have you really..."

"We have theorized." I say with a cough.

(Y/N) gave us a look that gave a mix of disappointment, said: 'Really?,' and 'Are you serious?'

"'I ain't showing or explaining.' End of answer."

"Why not?" Lefiya asks.

"I'll tell you if you pet Bete first." (Y/N) says back.

"You know, I think I'll pass." Lefiya and Tiona say simultaneously.

"Hey!" Bete exclaims.

"Don't complain, I knew they weren't going to do that." (Y/N) says to Bete ever-so-casually. "How much longer until we hit the Safe Floor." He says to me or Finn

Is it Wrong to be a Stand User in a Dungeon? (Danmachi x Male Stand User Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora